Performing Arts

Central Idea - Arts provide us with the opportunity to express, extend and appreciate our imagination.

The Performing Arts Presentation Final.mp4

Big Idea: String Instruments

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Forms of strings based musical instruments

  2. Principles on which string instruments work

  3. My responsibility

Big Idea: Contemporary Dance Form

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Inquiry into the contemporary dance form

  2. Contemporary and its different styles and perspectives

  3. It is our responsibility to respect the dance form while creating and dancing

Big Idea: Vocal Music

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Elements of vocal music

  2. Types of vocal music

  3. My responsibility

Big Idea: Ballet

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Research on Ballet

  2. Famous Ballet dancers in History

  3. My responsibility towards preserving different ballet forms

Group Performance


Amit Anil Godse

P.Arts Specialist

Aparna Daswani

P.Arts Specialist