
Central Idea - Sports can bring people together and empower them to act and think differently.

Big Idea: Sports & Fitness

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Types of Sports

  2. Sports has the power to change the world

  3. What role does fitness and diet play in sports?

Big Idea: Cricket

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Importance of cricket

  2. How do we play it?

  3. How will we get popular?

Big Idea: Sports

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Types of Sports

  2. Sports has the power to change the world

  3. My responsibility

Big Idea: Football

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Famous celebrities in Football

  2. Techniques in Football

  3. My Responsibility

Big Idea: Swimming

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Origin and importance of swimming

  2. Recent advancements and techniques in swimming

  3. My responsibility

Big Idea: Cricket

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Rules of Cricket

  2. Bowling and Batting aspects

  3. My responsibilty

Big Idea: Football

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Origin and history of football

  2. Recent advancements and techniques in football

  3. My responsibility

Big Idea: Swimming

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Tricks and Tips to enhance swimming

  2. Famous swimmers of the world, their achievements and techniques

  3. My responsibility by High school million strokes

Big Idea: Gopichand

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Events of Gopichand’s life

  2. The way badminton changed his life

  3. Our responsibility towards the sport


Ravi Tarkase

PE Specialist

Mohsin Tamboli

PE Specialist