
Community resources for students and their families

Referrals to LOCAL health or social services (ex. food pantries, employment, transportation, mental health care, etc)

Substance use services.

Provides emotional and educational support, as well as resource for those with a mental health.

Provides mental health an substance abuse services available to residents.

Is for teens of alcoholic friends and/or relatives.

Specializes in both stabilization and intense treatment for mental health and/or substance abuse.

Brite is a youth development program that promotes social change around issues they care about.

Provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+

The parent organization to the Rainbow Umbrella Program. It promotes advocacy, education, mental and physical health for the LGBTQ+ community.

Youth Rescue Staff are available day and evening to work with runaway, homeless, couch surfing youth or youth who are at risk of running away or homeless

Provides free tutoring, mentoring, school supplies, scholarships, and parental support. These services are provided to students living in shelters, motels, vehicles, group foster homes, and streets.

Provides quality education, emotional, behavioral and development supports to the caregivers of children and youth in out-of-home care

Services include foster care and adoption support, residential group, home care, support for youth making the transition from foster care to adulthood and mental and behavioral health services.

Continuing to offer its clinical and support services remotely to foster and kinship families in addition to resource families.

Provides crisis intervention counseling and resources referrals via chat, text, and through the phone.

Receive free and confidential emotional support.

Psychotherapy services dedicated to improving mental health and well-being.

Provides affordable counseling to individuals, families, and couples.

Pop-up pantries for low-income families residing in the city of that distribution. Proof of residence is required.

Assist with food, housing and tutoring

Provides services in the areas of housing,

food assistance, employment, homelessness and youth.

Provide a variety of health and human services to deaf and hard of hearing community.

Provides autism services, employment services, life skills and community involvement opportunities, alternatives to institutionalized living and support services that assist individuals to live independent lives.

Help support families of individuals with Autism.

One-to-one mentoring for students to ignite the biggest possible future for youth.

Provides therapeutic services and access to childcare and preschool for children ages zero to five who are affected by homelessness or at risk of homelessness.

Help to increase affordable housing options throughout Ventura County by leveraging public-private partnerships to provide low-cost, flexible loans early in the housing development cycle.

Health care

Health care

Ventura updates on park, recreations and beaches.

Need additional assistance, contact Ms. Vasquez


Request Assistance

Phone: (805)289-1826 ext.2285