Yashvi Handral

Cooking & Food Criticism


Yummy With Yashvi Episode 3 Vanilla Sponge Cake FINAL.mp4



Capstone Essay

Yashvi Handral

Mr. Caballero

English 4

20 April 2020

The Quality Of Food

Food gives humans essential nutrients that are important for survival (Britannica). As food is essential for human survival, it is important for humans to be able to cook quality dishes. For my Capstone Project, I have decided to cook dishes and film myself making the dishes in a cooking tutorial format. For the dishes, I will be preparing two versions of the same dish by using different recipes. Then, I will critique the dishes and comment on the differences between the two dishes and the ingredients in each. I will be addressing taste, texture, and presentation. After finishing my analysis of the dishes and critiquing all the dishes fully, I will get some of my family members to critique my food as well and share their opinion on the food that I prepared. This project intrigues me, as I have always enjoyed quality food and have always wanted to learn how to properly cook and critique dishes. For my background research, I wanted to further my knowledge about the art of critiquing and the cooking techniques needed to be able to make a quality dish. Through this research, I hope to understand the important factors of making a quality dish.

There are many ways to build and enhance the flavor of a dish. One of the simplest and most effective ways is salt. It is easy to salt the wrong way. It is important while adding salt, to add it by taste. The right amount of salt can bring out the natural flavor and accentuate any other flavors as well. However, having too much salt overpowers all the other flavors; an insufficient amount of salt conceals all the other flavors and makes the food bland despite having been properly seasoned otherwise. There are a variety of salts in the world with flavor variations. Iodized Salt, for instance, also commonly known as table salt, has more of a metallic taste than other salts due to chemicals being added. It is one of the more processed salts and has a more mild flavor than the rest of the salts. Another salt is Pink Himalayan Salt, which traces its color from potassium, magnesium, and calcium, and receives a unique taste from these minerals as well. It gives a nice flavor to the dish and a beautiful color. Additionally, Black Salt has a specific sulfur taste that adds a unique egg flavoring to the dish (Bruno). Another way to intensify flavoring in dishes is by using fats while cooking. Fats tend to enhance, bring out, and improve flavors in dishes. One of the main fats used while cooking is oil. Oils are important as they increase and distribute flavors within the dish. They also make a great seasoning for various sweet and savory dishes. Different oils add a variety of flavors to dishes and increase and enhance existing flavors. For example, Extra Virgin Olive Oil has a rich and indulgent flavor and can add some panache to the dish. Also, sesame oil is essential for many traditional Asian dishes and has a more strong flavor and aroma than other oils (Bittman).

While making dishes, building flavor is vital to making a dish delectable. One of the ways to build flavor is by adding herbs. Fresh herbs add aromatic flavors like grassy, tart, and peppery to dishes. Herbs can also be used as a garnish, and can be added at the end of the cooking process to keep the intensity of the herbs. Some of the milder herbs that are used in cooking are parsley, cilantro, dill, basil, and chives. Some of the stronger herbs that can be utilized in dishes are rosemary, oregano, sage, thyme, and tarragon (Turner). While adding herbs, it is important to add little by little and adjust by taste. Spicing is an aspect of flavoring that takes dishes to the next level. There are a variety of different kinds of spices in the world, and they all have a unique flavor. Spices add nuances and depth to the dish and enhance the existing flavors in the dish (Bittman).

Sourness can make a positive impact on the dish’s flavor as well. One of the ways to add flavor effectively is adding acids, which will add a nice tart flavor and will also enhance and accentuate existing flavors. While adding acids, it is important to add little by little, because acids are strong and it is easy for acids to overpower dishes. One of the most used acids in cooking are vinegars. There are a variety of vinegars and they all vary in acidity. An example would be Balsamic Vinegar, which is one of the more sweet vinegars and has less acidity than others. Another way to add flavor effectively to dishes is by adding sweeteners, like sugar. There are many varieties of sugars and they all vary in flavors as well. Brown Sugar, is one of the most commonly used sugars and has a strong, and smooth flavor. Other commonly utilized sweeteners would be agave, honey, stevia (Bittman).

Another way to add flavor effectively to dishes is by adding spicy ingredients. There are a variety of different spice-agents in the world and they all vary in their flavors and level of spiciness. Spice-agents add nuances and depth to the dishes as well as enhance and accentuate any existing flavors in the dish. There is a scale to measure the spiciness of peppers commonly known as the Scoville Scale. Additionally, umami can also be added to dishes to create a unique meaty flavor (MasterClass). There are many ways to effectively add flavor to dishes to take them to the next level.

Another part of making a quality dish is having texture. There are varieties of types of textures. Texture refers to the way that something feels while eating or touching it. Some of the terms used to describe the texture of food are hard, soft, rough, and smooth. When dishes are heated up, they change their texture; they tend to get softer but while cooling they harden up. There are many ways to develop texture in dishes to bring the dish to the next level. One of the most effective ways to develop texture in dishes is using cooking techniques. Stir-frying is cooking dry food in a skillet using different types of fats to do so. This technique of using fats while cooking browns the dish on the outside and keeps it tenderized, succulent, and moisture-laden on the inside. It is important while using this technique to occasionally mix the food around to prevent burning since the cooking is done at a high temperature. Another effective cooking technique to develop texture is roasting. Roasting is cooking dried food in a fairly scorching oven using fats. This technique of roasting fortifies the flavoring in dishes, helps the dish maintain a crispy outside, and a moisture-laden inside. A key aspect of roasting is to occasionally mix the food pieces to maintain browning on both sides evenly (Miller).

A popular catchphrase that underscores the importance of presentation in food is “people eat with their eyes first.” The fact of the matter is, even if a dish is delicious, no one will want to try it if it looks unappetizing. If the dish looks presentable and appealing, it makes the person eating it more exhilarated about eating the dish. It also allows the chef to be creative and mark their signature on the dish (Nisbets). Presentation is a great way for chefs to control how their dish is consumed and perceived. There are many ways to add flare to the appearance of the dish (Doyle). One of the simplest ways to add pizazz is to be creative with the application of the sauce. Using plating brushes and wedges help add various alluring patterns to make the dish captivating. It is important to have a unique colored and shaped plate, that shows the artistry of the chef, which can serve as a base for the dish. Coloring is a key aspect of adding vivacity to the appearance of a dish. Using color makes the dish eye-catching and instantly uplifts the entire dish. While adding color, it is important to make sure to add a blend of bright and neutral colors to make a gratifying contrast. While finishing the presentation, it is important to add garnish as it is a key aspect of adding flamboyance to the appearance of a dish. Garnishing helps add to the visual aesthetic of the dish, accentuate existing ingredients, and amalgamates and unifies the dish as a whole (The Art).

Throughout the research process, I have learned the importance of taste, texture, and presentation in making a quality dish. I have gained more appreciation for chefs, for my parents, other people in the culinary world, and people who cook on a daily basis. Through doing this research, I have learned about all the hard work and effort that goes into creating quality dishes. I have gained appreciation for everyone who does this on a daily basis. Along with this, I have gained insight and appreciation for the food that I encounter every single day. This process has broadened my understanding of the food I am consuming, as I am aware of the different attributes present. Now, I can discuss and communicate about food with more sophistication and precision, because now I have the proper vocabulary and knowledge. Along with this, I have expanded my understanding of the art of cooking and the art of critiquing. This knowledge is important for my Capstone Project as it offers more information about cooking techniques to use while making my dishes, as well as helps uplift the overall quality of my dish. With this research in mind, I can create my plates with more professionalism and awareness; I can comment on my dishes with more specificity and brevity. Throughout my project, my goal was to learn and also teach people all the different factors that go into preparing a quality dish and make people aware of what they are consuming.

Works Cited

“A List of the 27 Essential Cooking Spices You Need to Know - 2020.” MasterClass, 2 July

2019, https://www.masterclass.com/articles/a-list-of-the-27-essential-cooking-spices-you-need-to-know#27-common-spices. Accessed 3 May 2020.

Bittman, Mark. How to Cook Everything the Basics. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing

Company, 2012.

Bruno, Audrey. “6 Common Types of Cooking Salt-and When to Use Each One.” SELF,

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www.self.com/story/common-types-of-cooking-salt-when-to-use?scrlybrkr=ad309390. Accessed 3 May 2020.

Doyle, Alison. “The Top Most Important Chef Skills.” The Balance Careers, 26 Nov. 2019,

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“Food and nutrition.” Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 7 Feb. 2020.

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Miller, Bryan, and Maria Rama. Cooking Basics for Dummies A Wiley Brand. John Wiley &

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“The Art of Food Critiquing.” Nisbets, n.d., www.nisbets.co.uk/the-art-of-food-plating. Accessed

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Turner, Lisa. “10 superfoods worthy of the title.” Clean Eating, 18 July 2019. 12, 13.