Parth Arora

Workout App

Project & Presentation


Capstone Essay

Parth Arora

Miss Pottenger

8th Grade English

16 May 2020

Capstone Research: Final

For my capstone project, I wanted to build a workout application which combined indoor and outdoor activities. I did not know of any application that did that, so I wanted to solve that problem. I decided early on to build it for Android because I have an Android phone , and as I researched programming languages, I got intrigued with Java. Even though Java was created by the minds of 5 great people, James Gosling is named the ‘inventor” as he did the original design of Java (JavaBeginners). James Gosling, a worker at Sun Technologies, set out to create a coding language in 1991 capable of communicating between two user devices.

Java is now the most popular coding language out there . As I researched, you learnt that one can program for Android in one of 2 languages, Java or Kotlin. I decided on Java due to its long history and the fact that it can be used on other platforms as well. .When Java was released in 1995, a new company named Wired published an article claiming Java would become the DOS, or disk operating system, of the internet. David Bank wrote that “in time, a distributed object-oriented language like Java will probably establish itself as a foundation of the Net” (Jaxenter). Java was created to “to have the same feel as C++... and at the same time make it simpler to use and incorporate object oriented programming, in which programmers define the data type of a data structure” (TheServerSlide).

I chose to use the programming tool, Android Studio, which is an integrated development environment provided by Google. As I was researching, I came across multiple tools, IntelliJ, Xcode, and many more all offering benefits to make programming easier. I chose to stick with Android studio because I learnt it was developed by Google and Android was also developed.

I started with very little knowledge of programming, but the commitment to creating an app. Along my journey I found out many things such as the best software to create an android app, Android Studio, and one of the best programming languages, Java. In the end, this time has greatly improved and greatened my understanding of my project and Java along beside it.

Works Cited

Augustyn, Adam. “Java.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 29 Apr. 2020,

“History of Java - Javatpoint.”, JavaTPoint, 20 Mar. 2019,

Bhatnagar, Abhinandan. “The Complete History of Java Programming Language.”

GeeksforGeeks, 2 May 2019,

Team, JAXenter Editorial. “Java History 101: The Rise of a Programming Language.” JAXenter,

Google, 12 Nov. 2018,

JBT. “History of Java.” Java Beginners Tutorial, 21 July 2018,

Rouse, Margaret. “What Is Java? - Definition from”,, 1 Apr. 2019,

Progress Log

Parth Arora - Capstone Progress Log