Andreea Dan

Healthy Lifestyle


Capstone Essay

Andreea Dan

Miss Pottenger

8th Grade English

4 May 2020

Andreea’s Healthy Lifestyle

I want to try drinking celery juice for a month because I have always been curious and interested in different ways we can all keep ourselves healthy. I feel like celery juice is one of the easiest ways to stay healthy and avoid major diseases. I want to experiment with this on myself because many of my friends and family members have recommended this to me. I have many friends who have done this for years and they report feeling more energized and alive. Celery juice gives you so much energy and it helps you go from sluggish to energized. I have done a lot of reading from the books my mom bought by Anthony William. He always says “remember, health trends never catch on because they’re effective” (William). He says this because most health trends are just trends and they do not work well. Celery juice on the other hand is effective and not many people know about it. Trying new things is always important, especially when your body benefits from it.

Celery juice is a great way to keep yourself healthy and energized for the day in front of you. It clears your acne and you are also left with glowing skin (William). Another great thing about this is that you could be any age and you will be able to prevent getting diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, gout, diabetes, and heart disease(William). Celery juice can heal you and change your life completely. This is a miracle worker for people who do not feel good about themselves. For example, processed food brings down your happiness and energy while celery juice/vegetables bring it up (William). Celery juice is the better choice when compared to junk food even if temptations can rise.

Celery juice takes time to get used to and staying away from temptations can be hard, so I will need about a month for the results to show. Every morning I will drink celery juice on an empty stomach and then have a healthy meal. I have to drink about sixteen ounces and I also have to drink it while it is fresh. When celery juice is fresh it contains more minerals and vitamins that will help your health. I will be going on daily walks and give up processed sugar. For example, instead of eating ice cream for dessert I can make a healthy smoothie/eat fresh fruits. My mom will have to drive to the store to get new things about once a week. I will plan out the meals I will eat in advance so we will not have to go out of the house often. Our juicer is easy to work and to clean, so this will not take much time. I am excited to see the results and try new things out.

Eating healthy and exercise is important, but celery juice is my main focus. Celery has multiple vitamins that are important for your body. The vitamins are vitamin A,C, K, E, and B (“20”). Vitamin C improves your immune system and bone strength resulting in making you stronger (Zyrokwsy). All of the vitamins in the celery reduces inflammation in your body and it also gives you electrolytes for you to stay healthy. Some people might say that tomato and carrot juice can improve a lot, which they can, but it is not the best choice. Tomato and carrot juice has less potassium and vitamin K than celery juice. All of these vitamins are also essential for repairing skin damages as well as keeping up the health of our skin. No matter what age you are, you get smooth, young and wrinkle-free skin (“20”). All of these vitamins help your body and skin improve.

Before starting on your journey of becoming healthy and improving your skin, you should keep in mind on how much you need to drink per day. Every morning you should drink sixteen ounces of celery juice on an empty stomach. You have to wait about fifteen minutes until you can eat a healthy, balanced and nutritious breakfast. It is recommended that you drink more than thirty-two ounces per day (MacKeen). If you also can not take large intakes of the celery juice, then you can split it and drink it spread out. Drinking sixteen ounces of celery juice a day is ideal for receiving the healing benefits. Increasing your intake up to twenty-four to thirty-two ounces a day can be extremely beneficial for anyone suffering with chronic illness or symptoms (William). As long as you do this every day like a pattern, you will have slight results within a week. Drinking the right amount of ounces per day can make a huge change in your life and you should always follow up with health professionals.

Before drinking celery juice, you should make some research and know what type of nutrients/minerals it provides. Celery has many different minerals in it and silicon/calcium are two of them. Celery is very high in silicon/calcium which helps strengthen damaged skin and it reduces acne problems (William). Celery juice has a lot of minerals that will clear up your skin instantly. Celery is 95% water and water also helps your skin glow and shine (“20”). Drinking celery juice on a regular basis can exceed our daily requirements of water and keeps all of our skin cells hydrated. Every human body needs eight ounces of water and celery juice gives you most of that water. All of the vitamins and minerals in the juice help your skin repair itself and shine. There minerals that are in celery are calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium, and so on (Zyrokwsy). If you drink celery juice, you will basically drink all of these minerals which results in bright and glowing skin.

All of the minerals and nutrients that are provided in celery can prevent diseases. Celery juice can even prevent/heal almost every single type of chronic disease (craze). Instead of eating or drinking processed/lab made products, you should be drinking celery juice. The juice lowers your blood pressure/cholesterol level and it can even help with falling asleep. This is for all the people who are stressed or have insomnia. Sometimes when you are in a bad mood or you can not sleep, it is because of the products you are ingesting in your body. Celery juice removes stress/toxins from your body and gives us many nutrients that heal you (craze). Celery contains nutrients in the fibers which show up when the vegetable is juiced. These nutrients act as a natural laxative and it relaxes the nerves that have been damaged by food choices and an unhealthy lifestyle. All of these nutrients do something to your body and help you remain healthy or become healthier.

Celery juice is known for keeping the human body healthy. Apigenin and Luteolin are important compounds that heal people. Apigenin heals people that have inflammatory diseases. Luteolin can heal people with Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's (Healthline). There are undiscovered sodium cluster salts that starve and fight off unwanted pathogens and bacteria. They also neutralize toxins and restore hydrochloric acid over time and help the liver become stronger (Zyrokwsy). Celery juice overall is just a miracle worker and it will make you healthy. In the celery juice there are a lot of antioxidants that remove fatty deposits from around toxic heavy metal deposits in your body (Zyrokwsy). Celery juice can improve many different things in the human body.

Celery juice is very important and it is the easiest way to stay healthy and avoid junk food. I really want this to work because I read a lot about it and doctors say that it is a miracle worker. I also know a lot of people who do not believe this will work and I want to experiment and make this work. This is also an important experiment for me because I would love it if I had glowing skin. My friends and family tried this and great results came out from their experiments. I think teaching others about celery juice is important because it shows the community a new and healthy way to become more healthy. Health trends have always been a huge thing around the world, but there are many who do not even work. People will just hop on the bandwagon because everyone is doing it. I would love to try something new and also something that many people have not tried before. I would also love to try something new due to quarantine. There is a lot of extra time on my hands and I can put a lot of my energy into juicing/keeping myself healthy. Sometimes I like to eat junk food and all that does to me is make me sad, sluggish, and moody. It may be a challenge to avoid junk food and temptation, and some parts of the world may not believe in celery juice, but I want to stay happy and healthy. I have also seen many real life examples of the human body being healed by it. I am very excited to become healthier, improve my skin, and have enough energy to accomplish my dreams.

Works Cited

William, Anthony. “Celery juice, the most powerful medicine of our time healing millions worldwide.” Medical Medium, 21 May 2019. February 31 2020.

“Benefits of Celery Juice.” Uploaded by Dr. Nick Zyrokwsy, YouTube, N/A. March 29, 2019. Accessed March 8, 2020.

MacKeen, Dawn. “Is celery juice a scam.” New York Times, 16 October 2019. Accessed Feb 16.

“Does Celery Juice Have Health Benefits?” Medical News Today, Healthline Media, n.d, . February 2, 2020.

"The juice on the juicing craze." Environmental Nutrition, Oct. 2012, p. 3. Gale In Context: High School, u=valleycs&sid=GPS&xid=0037e646. Accessed 10 Feb. 2020.

“20 Powerful Healing Benefits of Celery Juice for Hair, Skin and Health.” Natural Health Remedies. YouTube, N/A, December 25 2018, v=teE1FpFGylg. March 1, 2020.