Ethan Dang

The Car of the World




Capstone Final presentation 2

Capstone Essay

Ethan Dang

8th Grade English

Ms. Pottenger

24 April, 2020

Car for the World

Cars have been a major way of transportation which innovates car enthusiasts like me who will be designing a car that is best suited for the world to help protect the earth's atmosphere. I see cars today that have new features but they are more suited to people in the newer generation not the older men and women, or still lack the way of trying to save the amount of emissions to our atmosphere. Cars today are getting more newer and futuristic but do they really help drivers take use of the car or does it make it do less work for them? Instead of having self driving cars or futuristic cars that have a lot of unique functions, why can’t people use urban transportation such as maxes, or trains? With that thought, if we are wasting millions of dollars just to see an elegant car sitting in a space and collecting dust, why would I be talking to you about this topic. With my inference, this leads to my solution for my Capstone Research Project.

As cars still do not fill the needs of the society today. For my Capstone Research Project, I will solve this problem by designing a car that is best suited for our world, is easily accessible, with good economy, along with safety, and comfortability in my car for the future. This will allow the driver to take the wheel and be able to fulfil the necessities that they have using my designed car ensuring safety, comfortability, and the less thinking of having to do the maintenance of my car. I will be using the software Shapr3D which is an app available on Apple Ipad Pro’s from generations no later than 2017. Shapr3D will give me the opportunity to customize and make different designs in the interior and exterior of my car along with changing the colors and trims of my design that I will make. To be able to display my visual, I will use Google Slides to show the different sections of my design process and along with presenting my various styles of my car. This leads into my first design process of my car which is the power source in designing a visual display of my car for the future.

Electric cars have sparked new ideas for car companies in the future. Automobile companies are moving away from having gas powered cars to looking toward manufacturing electric cars. Car manufacturers today like BMW, Volkswagen, Porsche and many other car companies are deciding to bring back their gas fueled cars changing them to electric based motors. CNN author who also agrees with this claim says, “There is no doubt that electric cars are becoming more popular. Prices are becoming more competitive with traditional gasoline-powered cars” (Isidore). This quote shows how later in the near future, the market with electric cars will rise making it very close to gas powered cars price points. With the idea of the world transitioning to electric cars in the near future, my car's energy source will be solar and electric. My reasoning behind this decision is because I wanted to increase the amount of range and to push the capabilities that no other electric cars do in the market. Electric Motors have taken over the car industry leading to faster and more powerful cars today.

Modern day cars have very heavy material that affects the economy and performance of a car. An automobile company such as Ford has decided to build the exterior of their cars with aluminum to help lower the weight and help the internal ride quality of their car. My car that I will design will also have this feature too. Ride quality is an important thing in the car because it tests the performance and how the car is able to function under certain circumstances while driving on the road. This also follows into the economy which would either save or decrease the amount of energy left to power the car. According to Al Wrigley, “Modern day cars have very heavy material that affects the economy and performance of a car. An automobile company such as Ford has decided to build the exterior of their cars with aluminum to help lower the weight and help the internal ride quality of their car”(Wrigley). This evidence from Wrigley shows how automobile companies like Ford have used Aluminum instead of other material like steel to improve the internal effects in a car. Aluminum car bodies are a main trend in helping the performance of the car internally and externally.

The interior design and layout of a car is where it is the most appealing to car buyers and drivers. Car companies mainly lack the components of making sure the ride quality is safe and the layout of the colors. A car's interior design should have a theme depending on the type of car. An example of this would be if the interior seats of the car are a light or dark color, the roof, side panes such as the door handle and window buttons, and the leather should either be the same color, or have a complimenting color that should match and slightly contrast with the main color. Jil Mcintosh, who is the author of this article explains that, “The interior design has to match the theme of the car, and a luxury sedan will have a different look from a sporty convertible or a family van. This will also affect the materials used: the pricier models will probably have soft leather upholstery, while a less-expensive family car will have child-friendly, easy-to-clean seats (Mcintosh). This quote from Mcintosh shows how the interior design of a car has many aspects and not only is it mainly for looks, but is also for the accessibility of having kids along with the price of the leather that is being upholstered. Leather materials and theme colors help enhance the feeling of the look inside an interior of a car.

Qualities such as safety, speed, reliability, comfortability, affordability, and more features that my car strives for in the future to help communities all around the world. As many cars still lack the affordable cost the buyers or customers would like to have, my car's price point will be not as much as a normal SUV which would be around $46,000, my SUV that I will design will be around $30,000-40,000. People think that this is a low price point, but I do not care about making as much profit if this car was to be built, I care more about the community and society. My quality in designing a car is making things ethical and affordable to people in every place in our world which leads me to the good qualities that modern day cars should have with a short quote by Peter Glaskowsky. When describing attributes about a car, Peter says, “Good cars are safe, fast, affordable to purchase, economical to operate, reliable, capacious, comfortable, and attractive”(Glaskowsky). This text evidence from Peter’s article exclaims how modern day cars lack these qualities to help make cars better for the society today. Since one of the main essentials in a car is the lack of safety. Not only will I have motion, and radar sensors around the car to stop and notify the driver if a car or pedestrian is crossing the street, I will also integrate a seat belt retractor. My seatbelt retractor will retract and extend according to the sensor and the movement of the person which will detect the seat belt to extend or close. So if there is any accident, the driver and passengers will stay safe and tight. Most attributes such as safety,and affordability show how my future car will be different from other automotive companies.

Seeing the looks and the materials inside of a car is what car buyers get the most attracted to. Having good material and space inside of an SUV like my car is an essential thing to take note of when looking for cars. Jordan, an author from Jeep, Dodge, Ram, and Chrysler says, “It’s important for a vehicle to be comfortable. When most of us spend time sitting in a car, it’s important to have a level of comfort. That can simply come from the seat materials, such as leather or cloth, or even the amenities of those seats”(R). This text evidence shows how important the comfortability is for people especially if you are thinking about keeping the car long term. This depends on the material of the seats, door trims, and the dash, these materials depend on the type of conditions it will endure such as if it will be child friendly or if it is only meant for looks. The type of leather that I will be using throughout my SUV will be using Pigmented Leather. This type of leather has a type of hide coated on top of the Pigmented Leather so that it not only protects the leather, but brings it its natural color, shape, and feel so that the buyer is satisfied with their comfortability. Leather materials change the look and feel into a buyers perspective in looking for a car.

Car companies do not realize or take note of the amount of money and profit that they are using to build cars. Automotive companies don't think about the money wasted not filling the needs of what people want. Here is a quote from Dan Neil that says, “You know, carmakers always say they build what people want. But they never mention the fact that they spend billions to tell them what they want, Dan Neil” (Nguyen). This text evidence shows how companies are not being trustworthy in their advertising and their marketing when they show all the new features in their new car models. For my project, although the price point is low for my car, My car will have a feature in my car called Company Survey. This survey will be used by the owner of the car when they have problems or wish to have some features inside of a car so that my car designing will not tell them what they should want, but what they need to live out their lives in the community. Automotive companies spend lots of money to tell people their needs instead of letting the community tell them what they should incorporate.

Overall, cars have known to be a major way of polluting emissions to our atmosphere and are a major use of transportation in our world. My research that I have conducted helps me know the struggles and the changes that people have and what cars need. My facts and claim how I can make a difference in building a car that helps our atmosphere and community in our world today. I look more in depth to topics such as the economy ,comfortability, safety, accessibility, and the quality of what cars lack or need to improve on so that I can design and modify my car to those topics to be able to save the communities complaints, and the world’s struggles toward our Earth. These facts and evidence that I have researched show the car that I will conduct for my Capstone Research Project.

Works Cited

Glaskowsky, Peter. “What makes a good car? Glaskowsky muses on automotive technology.” C/net, December 14, 2008,

.,Accessed April 4, 2020

Isidore, Chris. “Why gas powered cars aren’t going away.” CNN Business, Cable News Network, July 5,2017, Accessed May 2, 2020

Mcintosh , Jil. “How It Works: Designing car interiors.” Driving, Postmedia Network Inc. ,October 11, 2017, January 29, 2020.

Nguyen, Janet. “Why American Auto companies no longer want to sell actual cars.” Marketplace, 2020 Minnesota Public Radio, November 26, 2018, Accessed April 5, 2020

Wrigley, Al. "Ford tests 'aluminum-friendly.' (aluminum-alloy automobile) (Designs on Tomorrow...)." American Metal Market, 15 Feb. 1993, p. 4. Gale OneFile: Business, Accessed 8 Feb. 2020.

Dodge. Jeep,Chrysler, Ram. “Interior Designing.” Accessed April 25,2020

Progress Log

Ethan Dang - Capstone Progress Log