

Welcome to the Students page. We hope this page will ease your transition to Varndean School and keep you informed of all the information, challenges and helpful links you will need before starting in September. Below, you will find the link to the Students page on the website, which will become the page you will visit the most when you become a full time student at Varndean. You will also find all the work and fun challenges we will set you before September, as well as the Go Big project which will aim to support and reassure you as much as possible.

Summer Reading Challenge

Have you seen our summer reading challenge? The summer reading challenge is open to all students - including you! Please see our  Summer Reading Challenge  site for full details (this can also be accessed from the quick links drop down at the top of our main website's homepage).

Go Big at Varndean School!

Our Go Big project is aimed at helping young people with their transition from primary school to Varndean School.  It is designed to be motivational, helpful and reassuring as well as helping young people feel valued, loved, encouraged and equipped for the journey ahead. This project is based on the bestselling children's book Go Big: The Secondary School Survival Guide by Matthew Burton. 

Year 7 Voices

We interviewed some of previous Year 7s to hear what they had to say about their experiences in starting at Varndean School, and to answer some of the burning questions you may have. See the video below:

What are our School Bases?

When you become a student at Varndean School, you will be allocated to a small School. These Schools are more than regular school houses and your school base will become your personal community to support and encourage you throughout your five years at Varndean School. Each School Base has School Leaders whose roles focus solely on the welfare of every student within their School and will always be found in their School Base's office. School Bases are here to lift you up to be the best you can be and support you when things don't go as you thought. Your School Base will not only be your support system but also your family's, as they will use your school base to help assist them with any life changes that may affect you and will work together to make sure you get the best academic and emotional support as possible.

Lennox School

What is Lennox School?

Lennox School is our newest School Base, introduced in 2020 to keep up with the ever-growing student intake and to ensure that every child continued to be seen, heard and supported. Named after Annie Lennox, Lennox School strives to embody the kindness, individuality and bravery that Annie Lennox has shown throughout her career. Annie Lennox is not only a talented musician and performer, but has also done incredible charity work and has raised awareness for LGBTQ+ issues such as equal rights and HIV & AIDS.

Who is in Lennox School:

Head of Lennox School - John Lamb

Deputy Head of School - Fran O'Callaghan

School Leader - Emma Sutton

School Leader - Lorina Ventura  

Go to the Lennox School page on the Varndean website for more details.

Angelou School

What is Angelou School?

Angelou School is named after Maya Angelou, the famous poet and civil rights activist. Maya Angelou was an advocate for the importance of language and education, particularly for young women, and believed wholeheartedly in the rights of all people. Her words and actions teach each Angelou students about the importance of resilience, compassion, self-improvement and self-love.

Who is in Angelou School:

Head of Angelou School - Elise James

Deputy Head of Angelou School - Sam Whiteman

School Leader - Jo Goatley 

School Leader - Andrea Longueira 

Go to the Angelou School page on the Varndean website for more details.

Russell School

What is Russell School?

Russell School is named for Bertrand Russell, the British philosopher who was passionate about not only an education for all, but also the importance of having knowledge in a wide range of subjects to truly understand the world around us and have an understanding of others. He also won a Nobel Prize for Literature for championing "humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought". Bertrand Russell inspires our Russell students to have independent thought, to think critically and creatively but above all else, be kind. 

Who is in Russell School:

Head of Russell School (maternity cover) - Georgia Neale

Head of Russell School - Abigail Holder

School Leader - Rachel Christy 

School Leader - Lucy Smallwood 

Go to the Russell School page on the Varndean website for more details.

Turing School

What is Turing School?

Turing School is named in honour of Alan Turing, the world renown mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and computer scientist. His work in breaking The Enigma Code during World War II shortened the war by a predicted two years and was the inspiration behind the film, 'The Imitation Game'.  Alan Turing inspires our school by the tremendous courage, dedication and strength of character he showed during his lifetime.

Who is in Turing School:

Head of Turing School - Andy Roberts

Deputy Head of School - Georgina Maltby

School Leader - Natasha Didcott 

School Leader - Beverley Skingle  

Go to the Turing School page on the Varndean website for more details.

Ellis School

What is Ellis School?

Ethel Ellis was the first Headmistress of Varndean School and took the first step towards creating the school you see today. Miss Ellis became Headmistress of Varndean School in 1909 when it was still called 'York Place School' and was situated at a site opposite St Peter's Church. Miss Ellis had a vision to move the school to a site where the students could enjoy wide open spaces and thus, moved the school to our current site and renamed it 'Varndean School'. Miss Ellis's passion for sport, art and cultural education has flowed through the school ever since and continues to be the pillars of which Ellis School is founded upon. 

Who is in Ellis School:

Head of School - Laura Fairbank

Deputy Head of School - Sandra Knights

School Leader - Caroline Ball  

School Leader - Donna Mills 

Go to the Ellis School page on the Varndean website for more details.