How are tutor groups formed and which School will I be in?

This is the part of transition that understandably causes the most anxiety to families. When creating tutor groups we take a number of considerations into account. We prioritise matching siblings in our smaller schools so that existing relationships can be continued with families and the School Base pastoral teams. We will also note the information you give in your registration form along with the information we gather from your child’s current school. Rest assured we always aim for your child to join with someone they know and learn well with. 

What clubs do we have at Varndean?

We have a diverse range of clubs from sports teams, art clubs and even a Warhammer club! A full list of our available clubs can be found on the Extra-curricular, Enrichment and DofE page on our website. We as a school are also the biggest participators in the Duke of Edinburgh Award in Brighton, with a huge number of students completing the award every year. 

What if I get lost?

On the first day at Varndean Year 7s will be given a timetable, a map and will also have a tour of the school. Senior Students will also be on hand to help Year 7s settle in on their first day, and will be the only other students in school on that day. After the first day there are always plenty of staff and other friendly students on hand to help direct new students to their classrooms.

What are Specialist Schools?

The Specialist Schools were introduced in 2015 and are based on the notion that young people come to us with gifts and talents that we aim to nurture further. There are four Specialist Schools; School of Expression, School of Creativity, School of Leadership and School of Discovery. For two hours a week, Year 7s will choose which Specialist School they would like to explore, in which they will learn about subject matter they would never have had access to before. To learn more about Specialist Schools, please head to our Head's Welcome page. 

How are the school days structured?

The school day is structured so Year 7 students have their 20 minute tutor time first thing in the morning followed by two 50 minute lessons, a 15 minute break, two 50 minute lessons, a 50 minute lunch break, two more 50 minute lessons and then the end of the day. To learn more about what the timings of the day look like and when the canteen is open, please go to the Timings of the School Day page.

How does the canteen work?

Families will be sent log in details for ParentPay towards the end of the summer holiday. Parents and carers can add money to this account which will enable their child to purchase food and drinks in any of our food outlets around the school. On the first day, students will be given their canteen card which is used to purchase all food and drink. Students will be shown where the canteen is as part of their tour and how to use their card. 

What if we have any concerns?

Students are able to go to their tutor or School Base with any concerns during the school day. Parents and carers are also able to speak with their child's tutor or the pastoral team in their child's School Base via email or telephone. Staff contact details are available on our website.