Varcity Trading Index

The Varcity Trading IndexTM (VTI) evaluates your quantitative trading skills in real-time, on every closed position, ranking trading performance across our network. The VTI combines standardized industry performance analytics with a proprietary algorithm that assesses trading behaviours across the Varcity network, assigning each user an overall rank of trading performance that is both absolute and relative to other users’ performance. 

To acknowledge your successes and recognize your great trading skills, the VTI issues badges for events such as highest VTI, VTI by percentile, highest returns and other weekly/monthly performance metrics. Check the Badge List for new badge drops, we are always adding new badges based on user feedback!

What metrics are tracked?

These metrics are updated at 12 am UTC:

These metrics are constantly updating:

Please note that your VTI is not updated every second, as market prices move throughout the day your account value will as well.   

What is a VTI reset?

Available on Pro accounts only, the VTI can be reset back to 40 and all balances reset back to 100k at any point without losing your trading journal data or trophy case badges. All open orders will be cancelled. You will see on your trading journal (Pro) that the "Status" = reset, "Open Date" = date of reset, and "Open Time" = time of reset.

Get a fresh start on your VTI anytime!

The VTI is not predictive of performance in live trading and is intended for educational purposes only on Varcity's trading simulator.  Please see Terms and Conditions for more information.