Summer Video Game Programming

Schedule for July 12 - 28, 2021

July 12, 8am - 12pm: Breakthrough Game

July 14, 8am - 12pm: Space Rocks Game (Asteroids)

July 19, 8am - 12pm: Space Mods

July 21, 8am - 12pm: My First Arena Shooter

July 26, 8am - 12pm: Platformer Game

July 28, 8am - 12pm: Choose your Game

Choices for today:

  • Make your own custom game!

    • Work individually or with a partner.

    • I want to encourage you to make your own sprites for your game but don't spend a lot of time making sprites if you do.

    • If you download images for sprites, make sure they are free to use. Here's a site you can use.

    • And for sounds, you can make your own ( or download some ( ).

  • Catch up on a game you didn't finish.

  • Modify an existing game to make it better.

  • Do another tutorial that wasn't assigned.

  • at 11:00 am we can have a showcase of game mods or custom games!

downloading GAmemaker studio 2 at home

  • Download site: (works on Mac or PC)

  • Login: the one you got at school, password: skyviewsmt

  • Note that the login above is for logging in to a computer once you install the softward, not the GameMaker Site. If you want a YoYo Games account, you need to make your own. They are two different things for some reason. I think? Not sure. You shouldn't need a YoYo Games account to download the software.


Go to this website and sign up with your school Google account:

Although it looks like you can watch the videos above without signing up for the EdPuzzle account.

* SpaceRocks Mod, CAMERAS 3 VIdeo - changes

For the Camera 3 Video, when you get to the part where she tells you to make a spawn_off_camera script, you need to to include the function definition and then put everything she tells you to type inside of it. so you'll have this:

///@description spawn_off_camera

///@arg obj

///@arg number

function spawn_off_camera(obj, num) {

var pad = 64;

var xx, yy;

repeat (num) {

xx = random_range(0, room_width);

yy = random_range(0, room_height);

//while the point (xx, yy) is in the defined rectangle

while(point_in_rectangle(xx, yy, global.cameraX - pad, global.cameraY - pad,

global.cameraX + global.cameraWidth + pad, global.cameraY + global.cameraHeight + pad))

xx = random_range(0, room_width);

yy = random_range(0, room_height);


instance_create_layer(xx, yy, "Instances", obj);



**SpaceRocks Mod, Factions Video 2 - Changes

I got this information from the YouTube Comments: This tutorial is made for an older version of gamemaker. I run 2.3.0 and the create_bullet script doesnt work as shown in the video. The id is actually given to the script not in the function. Here is how I got it to work:

create_bullet script (custom script later referenced in the step event):

/// @description create bullet

/// @arg direction

/// @arg speed

/// @arg faction

//variables are not declared seperatly but in the function call itself

function create_bullet(_dir,_spd,_fac,_creator){

var inst = instance_create_layer(x,y, "Instances", obj_bullet);

audio_play_sound(snd_laser_canon, 1, false); //play audio (use the Zap sound?)


direction = _dir;

speed = _spd;

faction = _fac;

creator = _creator;



step event in the obj_ship object:

// Shoot bullet




create event in obj_bullet:

bulletSpd = 6;

obj_faction event (in all objects which can "fire" a bullet):

if( == creator) exit; // the .id must be added in newer version