
This season began with a trip to the Milwaukee Maker faire. The first year for Valpo Robotics and it was a blast.

Valpo Robotics also held the yearly alumni game over homecoming.  It is always great to have the alumni back. This year the students won.

Valpo Robotics also hosted Notre Dame in a scrimmage this year. The game took place in the hilltop gym.  Valpo had several fast break touchdown and throwing plays, but ultimately Notre Dame won the game 46-21.

The scrimmage was ultimately the last game, as the championships were canceled because of Covid-19.


Milwaukee Maker 2019

Record: 1-1

Milwaukee Maker Faire

Held in Milwaukee Wisconsin every, the Milwaukee Maker Faire is an annual event where makers and hobbyist show off their inventions.  Every year this event is attended by thousands of people.

Valpo Robotics held on of the largest booths there because we were showcasing the robots. The team held 5 inter-team scrimmages and showcased our robots to all of the kids attending.  The weekend was a huge success.

Valpo Robotics sent about 20 member to Milwaukee to participate in the events in Milwaukee.

Videos from the event:

Games Played


Alumni Game ~ Win

Notre Dame ~ Loss 21-46


Quarter Back - Connor Cassaro

Running Back - Reid Gleason 

Z Receiver - Matthew Klemm

X Receiver- Jonah Bayles

Tight End - Laura Floyd

Center - Colton Polack

Offensive Line - Jonathan Bledsoe

Offensive Line -  Elliot Budd

Kicker - Mike Donovan


Middle linebacker- Larry Crawford

Safety- Mike Donovan

Nose Tackle - Matthew Tam

Outside Linebacker - Kristina Labovic

Outside Linebacker - Ryan Cummings

Defensive End - Heather Bricca

Defensive End - Michael Bukowski 

Safety - Madeline Flynn

Head Coach: Collin Luft


Last Year    2020