
Valpo second season was also a great success. Valpo went undefeated and won the inaugural National Championship.

Valpo's wins were against Ohio Northern and two wins against Notre Dame. Valpo's dominance was driven by the passing game. Valpo had an QB with infrared tracking to follow the wide receivers and throw to them quick. With every pass Valpo was able to rack up points, scoring as many as 100 points in a game.


2016 National Champions

Undefeated (3-0)

Averaged 94 points in the Playoffs

Games played


Valpo beats Notre Dame 88-42

Full Game

Game Story

Team Rosters


Valpo won two awards.

Best Innovation Award - Valpo tied with Notre Dame. Valpo had a functioning infrared camera and emitters, so that the QB could track and throw to the wide receiver autonomously.

Best Industrial Design


Semifinal- Valpo vs Ohio Northern

Valpo won 100-31

Full Game

WNDU Article

Championship- Valpo vs Notre Dame

Valpo wins 87-16

Full Game

Game Recap

News Article
