Welcome to your January 2024 Induction

...off to a Good Start

In getting you off to a good start, we have arranged comprehensive welcome and induction events for you, consisting of programme-specfic information sessions as well as UWS-wide events at our Scottish campuses.

These events - running throughout your induction period - are aimed at helping you settle into your new university life. These events are organised by the various departments and support teams, mainly our international advice, library, funding and advice and careers and skills teams...

Welcome to the University of the West of Scotland

We are UWS

University of the West of Scotland is a large, modern, multi-campus University with its origins dating back to 1897. We have 4 campuses across the west and southwest of Scotland and one campus in central London.

Career-focused teaching. World-leading research. An international outlook. And a far-sighted approach to technology and innovation. For the ultimate student and business experience, look to UWS.

We are here for our Students

At UWS, we invest in our students’ future. Our graduates go out into the world ready to succeed thanks to our industry-relevant courses, cutting-edge facilities and innovative approach to teaching.

Welcome to the School of Business & Creative Industries

Dr. Daniel Turner, Deputy Dean of the School of Business & Creative Industries, welcomes you to the university, school and your programme.

Your Induction Events

As part of your university journey, each of our programmes delivers dedicated induction events, telling you all about the programme, important information about student support and success, as well as university rules and regulations.

Furthermore, we have arranged an additional support workshop for all new students - the SBCI Way - as well as university events:

(C) University of the West of Scotland / Photos by Giammarco Boscaro (Induction) / Roman Kraft (University Events) on Unsplash
Title Image: Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash