

April 2024: Kai-Mei and Carson travel to DC for the NSF Quantum Showcase. 

March 2024: Ethan Williams joins our group as a postdoc. Welcome Ethan! 

March 2024: Christian successfully defends his thesis. Congratulations Dr. Pederson

February 2024: Zeeshawn's work on probing DNA bend stiffness using diamond magnetometry os posted to the arXiv! 


October 2023: Asher, Christian and Nick's work on forming defects in diamond via recoil implantation is on the arXiv! 

October 2023: Ethan, Vasilis, Chris, Xingyi and Roman's work on the isolation of single donors in ZnO is on the arXiv! 

Sept 2023: Christian's work correlating scanning probe microscopy and quantum defect spectroscopy is on the arXiv! Check out the new method for continous control of the surface Fermi level. 

September 2023: Kai-Mei, Xingyi and Christian all present talks at the International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors.

September 2023: Zoe joins our group as a postdoc. Welcome Zoe!

August 2023: Roman joins our group as a postdoc. Welcome Roman!

July 20023: Vasilis, Sam, Christian, Xingyi and Ethan's work on the understanding the optical linewidth of ZnO donor-bound excitons  is on the arXiv!

June 2023: University of Washington is awarded a MRSEC Center! MEM-C will continue for another 6 years with our group focusing on defects in nanostructures and near surfaces. 

June 2023: The lab welcomes undergraduate researchers April Li, Rodney Deacon, Tai Do, Owen Nettles, Hungyu Lai, Jiaxun Lu.

May 2023: Zeeshawn successfully defends his  PhD thesis! Congratulations Dr. Kazi! 

May 2023: Nick, Christian and Sri's work on lattice-matched BGaP for acousto-optics is on the arXiv!

April 2023: Congratulations to Willow and Asher who are accepted to graduate school at TU Delft and U. Chicago! 

March 2023: Vasilis, Xingyi and Nick present their results at March meeting! 

January 2023: Alan, Shivangi, Srivatsa, Nick and Christian's paper on triply resonant sum frequency conversion is published in Optics Express!


December 2022: The C2QA work on multinode quantum computing architectures is on the arXiv! 

December 2022: Xingyi, Chris, Vasilis, Ethan and Sam's paper on forming In donor qubits is on the arXiv!

December 2022: Alan successfully defends his thesis. Congratulations Dr. Logan! 

December 2022: Srivatsa, Nick and Christian's work on coupling single SiV to GaP photonic crystal cavities is on the arXiv!

December 2022: Our collaborative work in predicting defect qubits in transition metal dichalcogenides published in Nature Communications. 

November 2022: Kai-Mei is elected as an 2023 Optica Fellow

October 2022: Kai-Mei and the UW Quantum Implementations course if feature in a recent Microsoft blog. 

August 2022: Alan, Shivangi, Sri, Christian and Nick's work on triply resonant sum-frequency generation is now on the arXiv. Congratulations! 

June 2022: Welcome to Alana (Tufts) and Tianfei (UC Merced) who are joining the group as REU students as part of the MEM-C and STC centers. They are joining undergraduate summer researchers Asher, Suhani, Helen and Enrique. 

March 2022: Congratulations to Asher who received a Mary Gates Fellowship to support his undergraduate research this spring/summer!

March 2022: Congratulations to Srivatsa who successfully defended his PhD. We are fortunate that Dr. Chakravarthi will continue on in our group for a short postdoc to complete his exciting diamond-GaP PhC work!


December 2021: Congratulations to Maria who successfully defended her PhD! Congrats Dr. Viitaniemi. Best wishes to Maria as she starts her new positions at Microsoft!

November 2021: Vasilis, Chris, Xiayu, and Maria's research on T1 in ZnO donors is on the arXiv! Congrats!

October 2021: Maria, Chris, Vasilis, Sam and Xingyi's work on coherent preparation of In donor electron spins in ZnO nanowires is on the arXiv! Congrats!

October 2021: Lilli, Alan, Shivangi and Sri's work on HSQ-trimming of resonators for SHG is on the arXiv! Congrats!

August 2021: Srivatsa, Christian, Zeeshawn and Andrew's work on spectral stability of NV centers formed via implantation and annealing is published in PRB! 

March 2021: Lilli receives an NSF graduate research fellowship, which she will take with her to UCSB.


December 2020: Maria receives a Clean Energy Institute Education and Training Fellowship. Congratulations Maria!

December 2020:  Xiayu's work on hole spin relaxation in strained GaAs is posted to the arXiv. Congrats Xiayu!

December 2020: Zeeshawn's collaborative work with the Mainz' group on sensing spin textures with NV ensembles is posted to the arXiv. Congratulations Zeeshawn!

December 2020: Kai-Mei's review article on magnetometry in challenging environments, which was conceived during her sabbatical at Mainz, is now published in AVS Quantum Science. 

September 2020:  Kai-Mei is the director of a new NSF National Research Traineeship: Accelerating Quantum-Enabled Technologies.  Potential graduate students interested in working in this program should mention AQET in their application to Physics or ECE. 

September 2020: The C2QA NQI center launches, in which our lab is part of the Materials and Devices thrusts.

August 2020: Kai-Mei is appointed the the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee

August 2020: Post-doc Christian Zimmermann joins the group.

July 2020: Xiayu defends his thesis! Congrats Dr. Linpeng! We are excited for his next adventure in Kater Murch's group working with superconducting qubits.

July 2020: Srivatsa's and Christian's work on inverse-design photon extractors for implanted NV centers is now on the arXiv!  This is part of our collaboration with the Rodriguez group at Princeton. Congrats Srivatsa and Christian!

July 2020: Christian receives a CEI fellowship. Congratulations Christian! 

June 2020: Logan McCarthy joins the group for a summer REU as part of the MEM-C MRSEC center.  Logan will be working on molecular dynamics simulations to further our understanding of defect formation. Welcome Logan! 

June 2020: Our scheme for entangling trapped ions and semiconductor qubits is posted to the arXiv. Congratulations Vasilis! 

March 2020: Kendall Crane and Lilli Thiel receive Mary Gates Scholarships!  The scholarships support Lilli's research on designing and tuning frequency conversion devices and Kendall's research on characterizing of near-surface quantum defects.

February 2020: Vasilis presents the group's ZnO work at SQuINT. 

February 2020: Zeesahwn and Isaac's work on mitigating the effect of sensor inhomogenities in wide-field magnetic sensing is now on the arXiv!

January 2020: Srivatsa, Chris, April, Emma, Andrew and Ian's work is accepted to Physical Review Materials.


November 2019: Xiayu and Maria's work on understanding the microscopic physics of stacking fault excitons is posted to the arXiv!

November 2019: The special issue on "Quantum Nanophotonics in Emerging Materials" in the journal Nanophotonics, on which Kai-Mei is a co-editor, is out. Check it out.

October 2019: Kai-Mei contributes a Physics Viewpoint on recent SiV in diamond qubit experiments. 

October 2019: Kai-Mei's perspective "Quantum defects by design", with Lee Bassett (U Penn), Audrius Alkauskas (FTMC Vilnius), and Annemarie Exarhos (Lafayette), appears in Nanophotonics.

September 2019: Kai-Mei and Srivatsa attend the MEM-C MRSEC all-hands meeting at the Pack Forest Conference Center.  

July 2019: Kai-Mei is featured in a Q&A in the APS online magazine Physics.

July 2019: Kai-Mei, Srivatsa, Christian, and Xiayu all present at the 30th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors

July 2019: Srivatsa, Chris, April, Emma, Andrew, and Ian post their work on NV annealing on the arXiv. 

July 2019: Kai-Mei presents the groups progress on integrated quantum photonics in diamond at the IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals

June 2019 : Maria attends and presents her work in ZnO at the QS3 Summer School.

May 2019: Kai-Mei gives an overview of the group's work on "Quantum defects in solids for quantum information networks" at the NW APS Meeting.

May 2019: Kai-Mei, Alan, and Zeeshawn all give talks at CLEO. 

March 2019: Kai-Mei presents the groups results on ZnO donor spin qubits at APS March Meeting.

January 2019: UW hosts the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics for our region. It was a fantastic event with 160 women undergraduate physicists attending.


December 2018: Alan and Emma's work on second harmonic generation in GaP is chosen as an Editor's Pick in Optics Express.

December 2018: Xiayu and Maria's work on ZnO donors is chosen as an Editor's Suggestion in Physical Review Applied!

December 2018: Nick receives a Mary Gates Research Scholarship to support his work on NV-based nanoparticle sensing!

August 2018: The group receives an NSF QIS grant to isolate single donors in ZnO as quantum network qubit candidates.

August 2018: The group receives an NSF ECCS grant to continue their diamond integrated photonics entanglement chip.

June 2018: Emma Hunt, Alex Diaz, and Berit Syltebo visit the group as part of UW summer undergraduate programs (NSF physics REU, CEI Bridge, WiSE Bridge).

June 2018: The group is part of a MURI collaboration to advance defect discovery for quantum applications.

June 2018: Xiayu's work on the optical tuning of 2D magnetism is published in Nano Letters.

May 2018: Nick and Chris present their research at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

May 2018: Emma presents her results on Stark tuning NV centers in integrated photonic devices at CLEO.

April 2018: Chris Moore receives a Mary Gates Scholarship for his undergraduate research project.

March 2018: EE undergraduates Gao and April join the group!

March 2018: Emma's abstract "Frequency Control of Single Quantum Emitters in Integrated Photonic Circuits" is accepted to CLEO 2018 as an oral presentation!

February 2018: Xiayu, Maria, and Cameron's work on ZnO is now on the arXiv​!

January 2018: Emma receives a WRF postdoctoral fellowship!

January 2018: Emma, Srivatsa, and Ian's paper, "Frequency control of single quantum emitters" is accepted to Nano Letters. Congratulations Emma, Srivatsa, and Ian!

January 2018: EE undergraduate April Osvig and EE/physics undergraduate Gaohong Liu join ths lab! Welcome April and Gaohong!


September 2017: Physics undergraduate Nick Brunelle joins the lab- welcome Nick!

September 2017: ​Maria receives a Pacific Science Center Science Communication Fellowship!

August 2017: Xiayu receives a Clean Energy Institute Fellowship for his work on stacking faults! 

​June 2017: Physics undergraduate Thalya Paleologu joins the lab!

June 2017: ​Undergraduate researchers Maya Dunn, Kelsey Bates, and Ian Christen graduate!  All three will be pursuing their PhD in physics next year! 

June 2017: ​Xiayu's work on 2D magnetism is published in Science Advances.

May 2017: ​Xiayu receives the department's Dehmelt Prize for experimental physics!

March 2017: Physics undergraduates Chris Moore and Tommy Merth join the lab.

​March 2017: Congratulations to Ed who received his MS in EE!

January 2017: Zeeshawn joins the MagPI project. Welcome Zee!


December 2016: Ed's work on engineering ensembles of NV centers for high-sensitivity magnetic imaging is on the arXiv​.

October 2016: Ian receives (for the 2nd time) the prestigious Washington Research Foundation Fellowship for his work on studying and controlling the optical properties of NV centers.​

August 2016: Maria receives a graduate fellowship from the Clean Energy Institute! ​

August 2016: The group receives an NSF instrument development grant to develop Magnetic Particle Imaging (MagPI) using wide-field diamond magnetometry. This is work in collaboration with the Wiggins  Lab and is funded jointly by the Divisions of Chemistry and Biological Infrastructure.

August 2016: Xiayu, Todd, and Russell's paper on longitudinal spin relaxation of donors  in direct band semiconductors is accepted to Physical Review B. Congrats to all on this seminal work!

August 2016: Mike passes his PhD thesis defense today! Congratulations Dr. Gould! 

August 2016: The group receives an NSF EFRI grant to develop integrated photonics for quantum communication. The work is a collaboration between the Fu, Majumdar (UW), Mikkelsen (Duke), and Rodriguez (Princeton) groups. (UWEE announcement​, GeekWire​)

July 2016: Todd passes his PhD thesis defense today!  Congratulations Dr. Karin! On this same day, Todd, Xiayu, and Sarah's work on stacking fault excitons appears as an Editor's Suggestion in Physical Review B​.

July 2016: Mike and Emma's single NV work has been accepted for publication to Physical Review Applied!​

July 2016: Emma receives an IC Postdoctoral Fellowship!

June 2016: Mike and Emma's work on single NV centers coupled to hybrid photonic circuits is posted to the arXiv.​​

June 2016: Kai-Mei,  Mike, and Emma present at CLEO. Kai-Mei presents our recent result on stacking fault dipole moments, Mike presents our work on single NV centers coupled to hybrid photonic circuits, and Emma presents her PhD work (Gershoni group) on entangled photon sources. 

June 2016: Todd presents at IEEE Photovoltaics Specialist Conference on his work on carrier recombination near stacking fault structures.

June 2016: Ian, Kelsey, Seth and Brianna all receive NSF REU fellowships for the summer for their undergraduate research projects.

May 2016: Todd and Xiayu's T1 paper is posted to the arXiv​.

May 2016: Ed, Jannel, and Matt's magnetometry paper is published in APL​!

April 2016: Undergraduates Cameron Johnson and Matt Stanfield are accepted to physics graduate school!  Cameron will attend the University of Oregon and Matt will attend UC Irvine.

March 2016:  Post-doc Emma Schmidgall joins the group.

February 2016: Ed, Jannel, and Matt's magnetometry paper is posted to the arXiv.​

January 2016: Kai-Mei is an invited presenter at the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics at Oregon State University​.

January 2016: Undergraduates Kelsey, Maya, Brianna, and Seth join the group.

January 2016: Todd, Xiayu, and Sarah's work on stacking-fault excitons is posted to the arXiv

January 2016: Mike, Ian, and Srivatsa's paper on large-scale GaP-diamond photonics appears in the JOSA-B Feature Issue on Diamond Photonics.


December 2015: Ian receives a Mary Gates Research Scholarship for his work on studying and controlling the optical properties of NV centers.

October 2015: Mike, Ian, and Srivatsa's work on large-scale GaP-diamond photonics is posted to the arXiv​.

October 2015:  Ian receives the prestigious Washington Research Foundation Fellowship for his work on studying and controlling the optical properties of NV centers.

September 2015:  EE graduate student Yaxuan Zhou and physics graduate student Maria Viitaniemi join the group.

August 2015:  The group is awarded a DARPA grant to develop on-chip detectors for their diamond quantum entanglement project.

August 2015:  Kai-Mei and Mike attend and present at the Diamond Quantum Sensing Workshop in Takamatsu, Japan.

August 2015:  Xiayu attends and presents at the Fundamental Optical Processes in Semiconductors conference in Boulder Colorado. He received partial travel support form the UW Clean Energy Institute to attend.

July 2015:  Kai-Mei and Todd attend and present at the International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors​ in Espoo, Finland. Todd received partial support form the UW Clean Energy Institute and ICDS to attend.

July 2015: The group is awarded an NSF grant for their diamond quantum entanglement project.

June 2015: EE Master's student Srivatsa Chakravarthi joins the group!

May 2015: Todd receives the Physics Department's Dehmelt Prize for excellence in table-top experimental physics.

May 2015: Mike presents his work on diamond photonics at CLEO​.

May 2015: Kai-Mei receives the Physics Department's Faculty Mentoring Award

April 2015: Kai-Mei receives the College of Engineering Junior Faculty Award.​

April 2015: ​Todd and Russell's paper on radiative exciton properties appears in PRB​.

April 2015: ​Our collaborative work with the Xu lab on long-lived exciton states in 2D materials appears in PRL​.

April 2015: ​Undergraduates Sarah Harvey and Kevin Jamison will attend Stanford University and Ohio State University in the fall for graduate school!

March 2015: Xiayu, Todd, and Kai-Mei attend and present at the APS March meeting 2015.

March 2015: Mike's abstract is accepted to CLEO 2015.

July 2015: The group is awarded an NSF grant for their diamond quantum entanglement project.

June 2015: EE Master's student Srivatsa Chakravarthi joins the group!

May 2015: Todd receives the Physics Department's Dehmelt Prize for excellence in table-top experimental physics.

May 2015: Mike presents his work on diamond photonics at CLEO​.

May 2015: Kai-Mei receives the Physics Department's Faculty Mentoring Award

April 2015: Kai-Mei receives the College of Engineering Junior Faculty Award.​

April 2015: ​Todd and Russell's paper on radiative exciton properties appears in PRB​.

April 2015: ​Our collaborative work with the Xu lab on long-lived exciton states in 2D materials appears in PRL​.

April 2015: ​Undergraduates Sarah Harvey and Kevin Jamison will attend Stanford University and Ohio State University in the fall for graduate school!

March 2015: Xiayu, Todd, and Kai-Mei attend and present at the APS March meeting 2015.

March 2015: Mike's abstract is accepted to CLEO 2015.

February 2015: Kai-Mei receives the prestigious Cottrell Scholar award for her impurity spin research and teaching innovations .

February 2015:  Kai-Mei attends and presents at SQuInT.

January 2015: Undergraduate Feng Xiong joins the group.​


December 2014: Undergraduates Jannel Banks and Cameron Johnson join the group.

December 2014: Undergraduate Matthew Stanfield receives a Mary Gates Research Scholarship.

November 2014: Todd receives a Clean Energy Institute Graduate Fellowship​ for his work on the radiative properties of exitons in semiconductors.

November 2014: Mike Gould receives the UW EE Department's Paul C. Leach Fellowship.

​November 2014: Todd and Russell's paper on the radiative properties of multi-carrier excitons is now posted on the arXiv.

October 2014: Undergraduate Ian Christen joins the group.

September 2014: Dr. Nicole Thomas graduates.

August 2014:  Mike, Russell, and Nicole's paper on magnetic detection of single super-paramagnetic nanoparticles is accepted to Applied Physics Letters.

August 2014:  Todd's paper on strain-engineered nitrogen-vacancy centers is accepted to Applied Physics Letters.

August 2014:  Kai-Mei and Paul Wiggins receive a MolES partnership grant.

June 2014:  The group welcomes three new members: Graudates students Xiayu Linpeng (Zhejiang U.) and Ed Kleinsasser (U. of Montana) and summer REU student John Raihala (U. of Chicago).

June 2014:  Mike presents his and Nicole's research on waveguiding properties of poly-crystalline GaP at CLEO 2014.

May 2014: ​Todd and Nicole give talks and  Patrick, Sarah and Kevin present posters on their research at the Northwest American Physical Society meeting in Seattle.

May 2014:  Nicole and Russell's paper on hybrid GaP-diamond integrated devices is accepted to Optics Express.

May 2014: Undergraduate Sarah Harvey receives the physics department Mary Boas Scholarship.

May 2014: ​Undergraduate Matthew Stanfield is aw​arded an undergraduate NASA Space Grant fellowship for his work on the magnetometry project.

April  2014:  Undergradu​ate Matthew Stanfield joins the group.​

February 2014:  Nicole Thomas and Michael Gould present their research at Photonics West 2014.

January 2014:  Undergraduates Sarah Harvey and Kevin Jamison join the group.


September 2013:  Master's exchange student Patrick Wilhelm joins the group.

August 2013:  Nicole Thomas receives an Intel Graduate Fellowship​.  

December 2012:  Edward Roberts is awarded a Mary Gates Research fellowship ​for his research on the diamond quantum information project.

September 2012: Chris, Chuting, and Benjamin join the group.  Welcome!

August 2012: Kai-Mei receives an NSF CAREER award for the III-V qubit project.

June 2012: Kai-Mei give an invited talk on NV centers in diamond at the Quantum Information Workshop at the Chinese University ofHong Kong.

May 2012:  Pasqual is awarded an undergraduate NASA Space Grant fellowship for his work in the III-V project.

May 2012:  Todd is awarded the UW Physics Weis travel award to present a poster at the 2012 Gordon Conference: Defects in Semiconductors.

March 2012:  Todd is awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. 

March 2012:  Zhiting is awarded an undergraduate Mary Gates Research fellowship for his work on the diamond magnetometry project.​

March 2012: Kai-Mei give an invited talk on NV centers in diamond at the APS March meeting.