Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research Projects

Below is periodically updated list of completed undergraduate projects in our group.Funding for undergraduate research has been provided by the NSF REU site and supplement programs, Mary Gates Research Scholarships, Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium, Washington Research Foundation, and RCSA's Cottrell Scholars program​.

Research Project Title


Research Description

A Visual Demonstration of Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance

Nick Brunelle (2018)

Designed and built outreach demo to observe optically detected magnetic resonance in diamond. (Mary Gates Poster)

Longitudinal study of NV formation and dissociation due to high temperature annealing

Chris Moore, April Opsvig, Emma Hunt (2018)

Longitudinal study of individual NV centers as a function of annealing conditions. (REU report)

Automation for large-scale study of NV formation and dissociation due to high temperature annealing

Phoenix Youngman, Kelsey Bates, Chris Moore (2017)

Instrument automation and software development for large scale tracking (thousands of single defects) of NV centers. (Mary Gates Presentation)

Observation of NV formation and disappearance during high temperature annealing

Brianna Birkel, Ian Christen (2016)

Longitudinal tracking of subset of NV defect centers before and after annealing. (Report)

ZnO optical and spin spectroscopy

Cameron Johnson Q4 2015-Q3 2016

Build UV microscope, perform and analyze magneto-PL measurements of ZnO donor bound excitions in a wide array of samples, build time-resolved pulse system for spin property measurements, perform spin measurements (preprint)

High temperature annealing

​Ian Christen, 2016

​Build and test high temperature vacuum and forming gas annealing oven. PLE characterization of defects after high-temperature annealing.

MIcrowave resonantor for diamond magnetometry

Kelsey Bates Q1-Q2 2016

Simulate, fabricate, and test microwave resonantors for wide-field magnetic imaging. MaryGates Poster

Characterization of spin ensembles in isotope purified diamond

Jannel Banks, Matthew Stanfield Q2-Q4 2016

Design and build a magneto-optical microsope. Investigate the spin properties in nitrogen-doped isotope purified diamond. (Published in Applied Physics Letters)

Build a single pass frequency doubling system

​Cameron Johnson Q2-Q3 2015

Build and test second harmonic generation single pass system to obtain 369 nm excitation. Additional Details

Design SHG crystal

Feng Xiong Q1-Q2 2015

​Choose material and design cut of SHG crystal for obtaining 369 nm light.

A low cost automatic waveplate rotator

Cameron Johnson, Q1 2015

Build and test a low-cost alternative to commercial automated wave plate rotators (AWPR).AWPR Final Report.pdf

Design, build, test, and use confocal scanning system

Sarah Harvey, physics Q1-Q3 2014

Design and build an confocal microscope optical system, capable of sub-micron resolution at 7T and 1.5 K, utilizing a scanning mirror outside the cryostat. System enabled identification of stacking fault excitons (Published in Physical Review B) Additional details

​Build and test extended cavity diode laser

John Raihala, 2014

Kevin Jamison, Ian Christen 2014-2015

​Build and test an extended cavity diode laser to be used for photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy of diamond NV centers.

Dipole field simulation

Matthew Stanfield, physics, Q2-Q3 2015

Simulation program of the diamond magneto-optic image for a dipole field. Mary Gates Poster

​Excitonic magnetic cooling

Patrick Wilhelm, physics (Master's, Geissen), Q4 2013-Q2-2014

​Investigate the source of anomalous exciton brightening in ultra-pure samples at high magnetic field. Final Report.pdf

​Liquid He level meter

Kevin Jamison, Q1-Q2 2014

Design, build and test a liquid helium level meter. Mary Gates Poster

FDTD simulations of GaP/diamond on Amazon EC2

Chuting Wang (physics, Keio), Q1-2 2013

​Implement MEEP on Amazon EC2. Write user manual for implementation. Simulate hybrid GaP on diamond grating couplers. Mary Gates Poster.pdf

Development of GaP wet etch

Edward Roberts (MSE), Q4 2012-Q1 2013

Investigate etch chemistries for efficiently etching GaP. Additional Details

Magnetometry simulation program

Chris Chen (EE), Q1-Q3 2013

Write program to simulate expected signal from super-paramagnetic particles on diamond magnetic sensing surface Mary Gates Poster

​High voltage amplifier

Chris Chen (EE), Q4 2012

Chuting Wang (physics, Keio) , Q4 2012

​Build a high-voltage amplifier using OEM parts that takes 0-5 V to 0-150V. Measure the noise on the final device to determine the suitability for electric tuning the optical transitions of diamond defects. Final project report Chuting.pdf Final Project Report Chris.pdf

​Optical pump-probe measurement of electrons spins at 0 magnetic field

Emma Lorenzan, REU (Knox), Q2, 2012

Pasqual Rivera, Physics, Q1-Q4 2012

Design and perform and experiment to determine feasibility of spin-relaxation measurement at 0-field in InP. NWAPS Poster

Design and fabrication of sample mount

Benjamin Ebinger, physics (Master's, Giessen) Q4, 2011-Q2 2012

​Design and machine a sample mount for positioning multiple samples using the Attocube nano-positioning system. Perform bulk spin-pumping experiments.

ODMR measurement

Zhiting Zhu, Q3 2012

Develop and write instrument control and data acquisition program for optical detected magnetic resonance.

Confocal Scanning

​Zhiting Zhu, Q4 Q4 2011-Q2 2012

Develop and write instrument control and data acquisition program for confocal scanning microscope.

Measurement of laser power stability

Alyssa Trinh (pre-engineering). Q4 2011-Q1 2012

Write a program to monitor the long-term stability of a DPSS laser. Analyze the stability.