Project Safety Analysis (PSA)

Project Safety Analysis (PSA) replaced the Operational Safety Report (OSR) in April of 2020. PSAs are designed to give project teams quick access to safety information and provide specific recommendations for safety improvements. A PSA is required for all projects and concepts.

The new process has expanded the requirement of a safety analysis to all projects and streamlined the delivery of safety reports to project teams. PSAs can now be completed within a few weeks, and sometimes as quickly as a few days.

A PSA includes an automatically generated summary of crash data history and a list of potential countermeasures based on those crashes. In addition, a PSA can include specific recommended treatments created by the safety analyst to address specific crash patterns or high-risk conditions within the project. For additional details about the PSA report see PSA info sheet (embedded below).

Concept design teams should request PSAs during the concept process so that safety needs can be included in the scope and budget. If a concept PSA was not completed, or if the concept PSA is more than two years old, a new or updated PSA should be requested as early as possible during design. PSAs should be requested directly from Central Traffic & Safety using this link.

For questions, comments, or suggestions regarding PSAs, email If you are looking for a completed PSA check the project folder in Projectwise or email with as much information as possible.

PSA Info Sheet.pdf