Zero Fatalities

In 2003, several Utah agencies came together to form the Utah Safety Leadership Executive Committee (USLEC). This united effort began years before there existed a federal requirement to form such a team. The group began meeting on a regular basis to address the growing number of traffic-related fatalities. The goal was to create a comprehensive, integrated plan aimed at reducing serious injuries and fatalities, with the ultimate goal of Zero Fatalities on Utah's roads.

The basis of this goal centers around the idea that the loss of even one life is too many. Think about it this way: When you ask someone how many of their loved ones they are willing to lose on the road this year, everyone has the same answer: zero.

This Zero Fatalities goal is the foundation of the Utah Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) with specific data driven emphasis areas designed to help Utah reach its goal.

A Zero Fatalities website and YouTube channel is maintained by the Utah Department of Transportation to further their commitment and efforts associated with this important goal.

Utah's goal is consistent with and supports similar national goals including the Towards Zero Deaths initiative and National Roadway Safety Strategy.