
UDOT Pavement Management manages more than 16,000 lane miles of pavement throughout the state with the philosophy that “good roads cost less." We want to provide the best road pavement condition with the greatest long-term benefit as possible through preservation, rehabilitation and reconstruction.

UDOT recognizes that not all state highways have the same traffic, or the same performance requirements for the pavement. For 2019, UDOT is focusing on a prioritized "High Volume System" and "Low Volume System" approach. The High Volume system includes the Interstates, most of the National Highway System, and other routes with over 1,000 AADT and focuses on maintaining current pavement condition. The Low Volume system is comprised of the remaining roads with less than 1,000 AADT and is focused on improving pavement condition.

UDOT has identified different performance goals, treatment strategies, and funding programs for these systems. Please see the Condition page for the performance measures.

Please see the Maps page for a map showing these systems. Below are graphics illustrating some differences between the High Volume and Low Volume systems.

High Volume (HV) and Low Volume (LV) System Comparison Charts