UDOT Pavement Management


Welcome to UDOT's Pavement Management website. This site compiles a wealth of information related to pavement management at UDOT. Please use the navigation links on the top right of the page to review condition data, region-specific information, performance measures, funding allocations, maps and more. 

Roles and Responsibilities

The Pavement Management group at UDOT consists of a Statewide Pavement Management Engineer, Pavement Modeling Engineer at the central Material’s and Pavement division and four region Pavement Management Engineers. The central division is responsible for overseeing the statewide condition data collection, managing and analyzing the condition data, managing the dTIMS deterioration model, producing the pavement condition reports, determining the pavement program funding needs, providing the region office with budget allocations and project recommendations as well as leading the Pavement Working Group (PWG). The region offices are responsible for developing the preservation, rehabilitation and reconstruction programs and pavement project delivery as well as participating on the PWG. 

The PWG is a collection of members from pavement design, pavement management, maintenance, materials, safety, and project delivery which meets to determine pavement management direction, recommend / set policy and oversee the pavement management effort at UDOT.

Pavement Management Contacts

Austin Baysinger, Statewide Pavement Management Engineer:  abaysinger@utah.gov

Gang Guo, Pavement Modeling Engineer:  gguo@utah.gov

David Holmgren, Region 1 Pavement Manager:  dholmgren@utah.gov

Jason Nance, Region 2 Pavement Manager:  jasonnance@utah.gov

Clayton Weaver, Region 3 Pavement Manager:  cwweaver@utah.gov 

Travis Hansen, Region 4 Pavement Manager:  travishansen@utah.gov

Pavement Design Contacts

Jason Simmons, State Pavement Engineer: jasonsimmons@utah.gov 

Craig Hebbert, State Pavement Design Engineer: chebbert@utah.gov 

Annual Schedule and Milestone Activities

The graphic below illustrates the annual schedule that the UDOT Pavement Management group follows to administer the pavement program. Pavement condition data is collected annually and delivered to UDOT each November. The condition data is used to support performance measures, funding allocations, and program management.