Enrollment Process


Payment of the upon enrollment fee (please refer to the table below) can be made directly at the Business Office or at the alternative payment centers: MLhuillier, SM/Savemore and Banks.


  • Accepting all kinds of payments (tuition, donations, documents, etc.) from all branches nationwide;

  • Accomplish ML Form indicating STUDENT NAME, ID NUMBER and PURPOSE OF PAYMENT;

  • No need to send proof of payment to cashier's email;

  • Payment will be reflected to your account after one (1) working day.


  • Accepts tuition payment only;

  • Accomplish SM Form indicating STUDENT NAME and ID NUMBER;

  • No need to send proof of payment to cashier's email

  • Payment will be reflected to your account after one (1) working day.


  • Account Name: University of St. La Salle

  • Use UBP Bank account No. 00-279-000-1899

  • Email screen shots of proof of payments to: cashiers@usls.edu.ph and provide the following details
    1.) Student name
    2.) ID number
    3.) Contact number
    4.) Date/Time of Transaction
    5.)Purpose of payment (ex, Upon enrollment, bank account, etc.)


  • For queries regarding total assessment, account balances or settlement of accounts, please email the Business Office using the following email addresses:

  • cashiers@usls.edu.ph

  • studentaccounts@usls.edu.ph

  • Business Office is open Monday to Friday 08:00AM - 03:00PM


After payment has been made, you may proceed with the reservation of your courses. Please refer below for the process:

1.) Access your STUDENT RESERVATION MODULE (reserve.usls.edu.ph) and log in using your ID Number and your password.

2.) Click Subject Reservation on the upper left of the screen

3.) Click Auto Reserve OR click your advised subjects individually and it will show you the classes available for the semester.


You can only reserve those classes that are designated to your course, year level and section; Refrain from clicking your reserved subjects/classes or it will be withdrawn from your Reserved Classes list; You may wait for the Open-to-All schedule but availability of slots are not guaranteed; Please make sure to review your advised subjects and reserved subjects.

If you encounter any problem with your reservation of courses, you may contact your Department Chairperson first or the Office of the University Registrar by sending us an email at heu.enrollment@usls.edu.ph. Please always use your official USLS student email address and specify your FULL NAME, ID NUMBER and COURSE every time you transact.



After reserving your subjects, you are required to finalize your enrollment by submitting the Undertaking Form online found in the link below:


Once you are done with the Undertaking Form, your enrollment will automatically be validated and you are already considered officially enrolled for the semester.

After validating your enrollment, your Enrollment Form will be sent to your USLS email address (for continuing students) or your personal email address (for new students).


Before payment of tuition for the semester, you should have been advised by your Department Chairperson, the courses which you ought to or may take during the semester. If you have questions regarding your advised courses, please contact your respective Department Chairperson. You are also advised to settle your back accounts, settle your e-clearances and permit, and pay your upon enrollment fee or full tuition fee before your scheduled enrollment dates so that you will not encounter problems in reserving your courses. For Working Students outside USLS, please secure a Certificate of Employment with Duty Hours from your employer in any case that you need any assistance with your reservation.