Getting Ready for you, GHana!

 (SAT 2/25/23)

SATURDAY, 2/25/23

Fulbright teachers ready to go global!

Fulbright TGC Global Symposium, Washington, D.C.

Two weeks ago I had the privilege of connecting and collaborating with amazing teachers from all over the United States in Washington, D.C. as we prepared for our international field experience.  I got to meet my Ghana cohort and we even enjoyed a dinner together at a Ghanaian restaurant.  Good news, the food was GREAT!

Now that we are one week out from our leave date, I am fully vaccinated and now packing, grading, planning like crazy. My students are writing postcards to students I will meet in Ghana.  I am so excited for this adventure but there is MUCH left to do to get ready.

My U.S. teacher partner/travel buddy will be Mr. Chidi Duru, from Maryland, who also teaches AP Environmental Science.  In fact, our students collaborated last fall on a climate change project!  I just found out that our host teacher will be a biology teacher who teaches at Anglican Senior High School in Kumasi.  

I am looking forward to some WARM no, make that HOT tropical weather in Ghana since I will forever be #teamsummer☀️.  I also can't wait to experience the rich culture!  Ghana is a young country, having only gained its independence from Britain in 1957.  Gold, cocoa and oil are important to the economy of the country.  English is the official language of the country, but there are about 50 different indigenous languages spoken across the country.  I can't wait to meet you, Ghana! 🇬🇭