May 2024 Exams

IB Final Exam Schedule - STUDENTS - 2024

How can I prepare for May exams?

Consider the following tips:

When and how will I receive my IB scores?

All candidates will receive access to results after 10:30am on July 6. Students must go to the IB Candidate Results website and enter their personal code and PIN. The coordinator will share these credentials with all candidates in May.

How do I send an IB transcript to universities?

The IB will send the IB transcript to a university of the candidate's choice. The IB coordinator will collect this information from each candidate before the end of the spring semester. If, however, candidates wish to send a transcript to a university after July 6, they must go to the IB Transcripts website and make a request.

The IB transcript should not be confused with a student's high school transcript, which can be sent to universities by logging into and making a request.