Staff Recruitment and Retainment

Action Steps

  • Conduct study to determine the competitiveness of our salary and benefits package for staff

  • Continue to add to the base and offer competitive raises each year

  • Develop a recruitment video and flyer to give to local universities and potential employees. Post to the website for sustained opportunity to view

  • Develop instructional capacity within teachers through a system of support: Principal supports teachers through co- created individualized goals, create professional learning plans, and develop systems for teachers to share micro-credentialed expertise with peers.

  • Seek to establish and recruit students to participate in a Grow-Your-Own Program with possible incentives.
    (ie - development of undergrad scholarships, qualify for guaranteed interviews, internships within our buildings)

Salary Comparability Links

The following links provide comparisons of USD 380 salaries to those of other districts, including league schools, 1A schools, and the state average. **be sure that "380" is from the District dropdown menu after opening each document**