iStation Troubleshooting

istation login process

1) When starting iStation, you should see a screen that looks like the one to the right. Notice the blue arrow is pointing to our school's "name" (sterlinggs). If the screen that is coming up on your device has a different name showing, please put in CONFIG for the username and CONFIG for the password.

2) You should be taken to a screen that looks like the one to the right. Here, in the box under Domain, you'll need to type in our name "sterlinggs" (without the quotes). Then click OK.

3) You should now see a screen like this one, with sterlinggs.sterling.ks as the only choice. Click on that choice and then click the OK button at the bottom. That should take you to the screen that is listed above in step #1, and you should be able to enter the student's username and password and get in successfully.


reinstalling istation

Please watch the video to learn how to delete and reinstall the iStation app. Once you have performed this task, be sure to finish the steps listed above for it to access the correct material.

To learn more about iStation, visit their website or review this PDF.