Evaluation Questions

Evaluation Questions and Responses

  1. Describe the plan your group used to build the project.

To build this project, our group planned to get familiar with each software, create a conceptual design for our rocket and CO2 capture device, and then begin work with the simulations. We also planned to divide up the research so that we could accomplish the best possible design for each of our components. In order to make sure that we all learned from the project, we planned to ensure that everyone was involved in every step.

  1. Describe the process your group used to accomplish the task.

Each day, we met at 9AM to begin work for the day. We would coordinate the plans for who should accomplish what during the given time frame, and then we would get to work. The two who were in charge of having the design on their computers would share their screens as we assembled the rocket and the CO2 capture device.

  1. Describe how the principles you used to build the project and apply to the engineering fields you studied

We learned a lot about the design process of rockets and the realities of climate change and greenhouse gasses, which can be applied to mechanical, aerospace, chemical, and industrial & systems engineering. The principles we used were intended to create effective and efficient rockets that can carry out the intended task while combatting environmental conditions. These are beneficial to our understanding of the several disciplines of engineering that we have been introduced to because they illustrate real life applications of each.

  1. Each member’s role in the project.

We all worked together on each part of the project. Johnovan was the leader of the rocket design and Kian led the CO2 capture device design process. Charlotte, Faith, and Quinn took the lead on the research paper, each researching and drafting one of the three required topics. Johnovan and Kian aided in the research paper by writing the abstract and introduction, and Faith wrote the conclusion. We each cited our sources independently. Lastly, Kian took the lead on the website integration.

  1. Describe the successes and the obstacles your team encountered and how your team overcame the obstacles.

Some of the successes we encountered was in the carbon dioxide capturing device model. We were able to easily develop a device that captures carbon dioxide because of our vast knowledge in modeling for a 3D printer. We already had made designs in the past so creating a capturing device was not that difficult. One obstacle that we faced was in the design of the rocket. We were not familiar with this program so we had no idea how to use it. So, we went in and tried to figure it out ourselves. It took us a day to figure out how to create a 3 stage rocket by just simply changing a setting in the program. Then, we had problems with the rocket transitioning through stages as it would wait until the rocket started descending and facing the ground before initiating the other motor so it would just rocket straight towards the ground. So, to fix this, we had to change the times that the stages separate so that the stages will change at the proper times and propel the rocket upward instead of downward.

  1. What would your next steps be to improve your project?

Our next steps to improve our project might be to create a larger carbon dioxide capturing device. We are limited to the size of the 3D printer, plus it is not reasonable to create a large device that would use up a lot of filament that would not be used at all. So, if we were to actually progress forward with this project and actually use it to capture carbon dioxide, we would need to create a larger capturing device so it would capture as much of the greenhouse gas as possible. In addition, we would need to have an actual rocket. Also, we would need to attach an actual parachute for the tube so that it would not crash directly into the ground after deployed but will safely glide and filter out the carbon dioxide.

  1. Describe the lessons that you learned and how you will apply these lessons to future projects.

We learned how to work with RockSim and Fusion360. Now that we know how to use these programs, we should be able to design the rockets and carbon-capturing device more efficiently. For example, now that we know how to create a 3-stage rocket, we should be able to produce a design a lot more quickly. These will help save time in future projects.

  1. Knowing what you know now, how would you start your project differently?

It would likely be the most effective way to start the project by learning how to properly use RockSim beforehand, as the most trouble we had was learning how to use it to design the rocket.

Link to Evaluation Questions Document

evaluation questions, week 4, team 2