April 4th - April 7th, 2022

Teacher's mobility: Gymnázium Ludka Pika


On this site you will find Alize's and Maider's experiences and adventures, two teachers at IES URBI BHI in Basauri, Basque Country, while visiting Gymnázium Ludka Pika in Pilsen, Czech Republic.

"Even as a teacher, we still continue being students. This proccess is a life long learning experience."


Urbi is a High School located in Basauri, 7km away from Bilbao, in Northern Spain. Currently, 697 students and 84 tearchers are part of this community. Classes are mainly taught in Basque and some may also be in English and Spanish. You can find courses starting from 1th ESO to 2nd Bachillerato, known as 7th to 11th grade in other countries around the world.


Ludka Pika is a High School located in Pilsen, 97km away from Prague in Southern Czech Republic. Currently, 680 students and 84 teachers are part of this community. Classes are mainly taught in Czech and some may also be in English and Spanish. The study is general and lasts four, six or eight years, depending on the students' skills and their interests.


indoMIT@S eTwinning

This is a project based on learning experiences between different High Schools located in Pilsen (Czech Republic), Basauri and Mieres ( both in Spain) and Rødovre (Denmark).


Analyze the mythological figures of each country from a critical perspective through history and how the are present in our daily life, in many cases, without even being aware. Morever, the students research in the media the impact of these characters on society. Among the different activities that will be carried throughout this course, they will look for real examples in advertisements, in order to later create their own example, indoMIT@, coperatively.

Job - shadowing

By attending the diverse lectures in Gymnazium Lud'ka Pika, we took notes on how other methodologies and strategies are being used within the Czech educational system.


Visualize the teaching techniques within the classrooms, relationships between teacher and students. In addition, we were also given the opportunity to share and present the Basque Country and diffente teaching ways.


As well as attending the lectures, we collaborated actively: we did some presentations and gave some classes.

Cultural immersion

In order to understand the Czech educational system from a global perspective, we visited the most remarkable places in Pilsen, as well as the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague.

The culture is an essential piece of each country, therefore, we could not miss on that wonderful area of this interesting puzzle!