Our Experience


Our visit in Lud'ka Pika was short but intense since we had to attend many lectures, give presentations, be part of indoMIT@S, create this Site and splunge in the Czech Culture.

We were warmly welcomed by the Principal and some teachers which made us feel homelike. During the lectures, students were highly respectful, even if we were newcomers and completely strangers to them.

REPORT based in Gymnazium Lud'ka Pika and Urbi Institutua



We truly believe the importance of creating a space for the students to feel comfortable within the high schools in general. When they are not attending a lecture, they can be in the library or any other class that is not being used.

If we take Urbi Institutua as an example, we realize students do not have any indoor area where they can feel cozy, talk or simply relax that is not inside a room, such as the library. Could that be the reason why when the bell rings, everybody runs out? This study would require a much deeper and more profound analysis, nevertheless, we hope to be considered in the following meetings since we have seen that corridors are not only a space for going by, but also could be turned into a "student living corner". Having wider spaces in the High School would also affect the wellbeing of the teacher which often is stressed out, busy and always running around the building.

See you soon in Basauri!

Maider M.

Taking part in this short-term mobility in Gymnazium Lud'ka Pika was a wonderful experience. I absolutely loved walking through the endless corridors, while I was able to see the Pilsen surroundings. The students were very open and engaged to having us in the classroom.

The peaceful sessions without having to raise the voice, the calm atmosphere, the reading corners and the desire to speak and share ideas were remarkable. I was really attracted by the Billingual program and the progress done every year. This stay will have a lifelong impact in me. Thanks to all the experts for inspiring me! I hope to see positive changes in the education.

“That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way.”

Doris Lessing

Alize M.

Visiting Lud'ka Pika and getting to know a different educational system has been a very enriching experience. I was surprised by the calm enviroment in the High Shool and the silence along the corridors. Wide and bright spaces are vital in order to ensure peaceful hours inside the High School. It suited perfectly the enviroment of Pilsen, beautiful, quiet and easy to wander.

Education is basic for every country and it should always be evolving, adapting to the students' needs. Seeking for improvement implies making changes, specially if we want the whole system to be affected by them. I hope we have the courage to make decisions and change for the better.

"If you seek different results, don't keep repeating the same thing over and over."

Albert Einstein