Our Site


Creating this Site

In order to make learning and teaching effective, all teachers should become familiar with the following digital competence areas:

  • Information (identify, locate, retrieve, store, organize and analyze digital information),

  • Communication (communicate through online tools, taking into account privacy, safety and netiquette)

  • Safety on the internet (properly manage personal protection, data protection, digital identity protection)

  • Problem solving (identify digital needs and resources, solve conceptual problems through digital means, creatively use technologies, solve technical problems)

  • Content creation (create and edit new content: from word processing to images and video)

  • Integrate and reelaborate previous knowledge and content,

  • Apply intellectual property rights and licenses).

This year, 21-22,the Department of Education of the Basque Government has created #DigCompEdu# to train the teachers in their digital competence.