indoMIT@S eTwinning


  • Learn about the Czech mythologycal characters.

  • Find real examples throgh the city while visiting Pilsen.

  • Participate actively in the project.

  • Create fun activities for the students.

  • Engage the different classes into the indoMIT@S project and present a final product.

NOTE: While we were visiting the Old Town in Pilsen, we ran into a great variety of images that attracted our attention. It was not until then that we realized the next key of our project was sent to us in that very moment. We had plenty of pictures that would lead us to our mythologycal characters.

Collaborative work: Teachers' Videoconference

Last Tuesday, April 4th, the indoMIT@S team (Pilar in Mieres, Karmele in Basauri and Isabel, Alize together with Maider, in Pilsen) had a meeting in Twinspace to discuss about the steps to follow before concluding the whole project.

Class project: Putting the pieces TOGETHER

Today we have absolutely loved the 7th graders class. It was amazing to get to know the students that had been exchanging ideas with us for the past months.

We ARE indoMIT@S

The 7th graders are thrilled to be wearing their shirts, it is one of the results of their hard work.

Logo design award

The winner of the indoMIT@S logo receives the diploma for her design.

Various examples in Pilsen

The 7th graders choose which picture is of their interest and learn more about it.

Class activities

Students are describing some of the mythological characters found throughout their hometown streets.

Hands on Padlet

After "stealing" some portraits from the streets, students will have to describe each character and what it represents.

Matching who is where?

Students try to relate the character to an specific location in Pilsen.

Proud to BE teachers

We are so proud of the results! ¡Excelente trabajo a los séptimos! Congratulations!