Gymnázium Luďka Pika

Vítejte v GLP! Welcome to Lud'ka Pika!

Meeting with the principal

The main entry of the High School

This picture was taken in 1932

The Principal is describing Hanus Zapal's building

It is a real pleasure to share and exchange the diverse backgrounds and experiences with the Principal, Ales Janousek.

In the following lines you will learn more about Gymnázium Lud'ka Pika, always comparing from a respectful and enriching point of view. Let's not forget that Czech Republic and Spain have been working together since 1993, when Czechoslovakia was split into the two sovereign states, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

GLP was built in 1931 by Hanus Zapal in an open field in the middle of nowhere. It was not until 1981 that the building was turned into what we know today as Gymnázium Lud'ka Pika. Back in the old days, males and females were separated in two different sections. Architecturally speaking, it represents the functionalism with easy structures that enable the maximum use of the space available.

Information about the HS:

  • Currently, 583 students (680 maximum capacity)

  • 48 teachers (full time)

Note: the HS works autonomously and hires the teachers directly depending on the needs. For instance, the psychologist and the therapist work full time covering any emotional or behavioral issue that pops throughout the school year.

Even if the GLP is recognized for its Bilingual Program, which was started in 2009, the students have three options to choose from, depending on their capacities and interests. In order to be accepted in any Czech School, they all have to take an exam before entering any system.

When it comes to this Gymnázium, students can decide between attending for:

  • 8 years (starting at the age of 11)

  • 6 years (begin at the age of 13), known as the Bilingual program

  • 4 years (15 years)

They conclude their studies at the age of 18 or 19 years old with the "Maturita" exam, in Spanish known as PAU. They are tested in:

  • Czech Literature

  • Choose from: Math or at least a foreign language (Spanish, English or German)

  • And two other subjects of their interest

In comparison with the Spanish system, Czechs can attend any university, no matter the subjects they had studied in the previous years, while in High School.

Bilingual Program:

  • There are 5 native speakers and 5 Czechs fluent in Spanish (they all studied abroad).

  • GLP has Erasmus+ in Cádiz, Valencia.

  • Every year, students go in the 2nd year to Spain.

  • In the 4th year, they can also go to Spain again (left to choice).

Family Background:

The majority of the students come from well established families.

Fees: students do not pay any fee to attend school. For example, the Spanish books are provided by the Spanish Embassy - moreover, if there is anybody with reduced mobility, they will get a second one to keep in the house.

We are very thankful for the full immersion granted in every way! Thank you very much to the entire GLP team, and special remark to Isabel Contreras who has been our guide, teacher and translator during our stay! We hope see you soon! ¡Hasta pronto! Brzy se uvidíme!

Biology Lab.

The High School has Science laboratories so that the students can do different experiments and get to know in first hand the results.

Spanish teachers team

Teachers working in Pilsen thanks to the "Sección Bilingüe" program from the Spanish Minister.


The classes are carried out using diverse methodologies where students are fully engaged and willing to share their ideas with their classmates.

The building with its long, wide and bright corridors.

Students are in charge of arranging and decorating the walls.

There are plenty corners where students are able to disconnect, chat, have a snack or simply rest between each period.

This is the Teachers' Room where meetings are held (up to 50 teachers are gathered in it, when needed). Coffee machine, water heater, microwave, as well as the refrigerator are found in it. There is also a printer.

Lunch goes from 11:30 to 12:00. Some students eat at the cafeteria (0,60 cents.) or bring their own tupper from the house.

An example of the lunch we got on Monday, April 4th.

A fun corner inside the HS where students have free time and leisure. School is also about developing the social skills.

This is the computer lab. In comparison to the Spanish system, students do not have their on laptops.


Left side of a corridor

Renovated restrooms

Right side of a corridor

Social Media

Apart from the Gymnazium Lud'ka Pika website, GLP does also have a Facebook account where the most remarkable activities are published.

As shown in the picture, the indoMIT@S project is being developed.