2. Associate Pastor’s Letter

by Pastor Becky Kindig

Epiphany Star Gifts

Epiphany is the celebration of God’s presence breaking through to shine as a light in the darkness. This year we introduced the tradition of Star Gifts, sometimes known as Star Words.

We passed around paper stars in worship on Sunday, January 1, to recall the star that guided the wise men to baby Jesus. Each star had a different word on it. Everyone was encouraged to take a star without looking at the word, which is now your individual gift from God. You were invited to take this star gift home with you and put it on your refrigerator, tape it to your computer screen, put it next to your bed, or anywhere you will see the star and reflect on the word every day to ponder this word and what God is calling you to learn from it for the coming year.

People in congregations who engage in this Epiphany activity find great meaning in the practice and allow it to speak to their hearts. It is amazing how each word tends to be perfect for each recipient. Sometimes people know right away why their word is significant and how God is speaking to them through that word. Sometimes the meaning is revealed to people more slowly.

This has been true here at UPC. I have greatly enjoyed hearing from many of you about your star word. Some of you knew right away what your word meant for you. Some of you are intrigued and looking forward to God slowly revealing what this word will mean for you this year. My Star Word is “compassion”. And while compassion is a good part of a pastor’s job, I am enjoying taking time every day to pay attention to how God is calling me to understand this word better and find new ways of showing compassion to others.

I would love to continue to hear from all of you about your star words and what you are learning from the experience. If you did not get a star and would like one, they are still available in the church office and will be out on Sundays. If you cannot get to church, we would be happy to prayerfully pick one and bring it to you or send it to you in the mail. Just let us know!

May the light of Epiphany continue to shine into our lives.

Peace! ~Pastor Becky