Church Directory updates

We are updating our church family & friends directory. If you have any information that needs to be changed or added — address, home phone, mobile phone, email address — or if you’d like to add or change your photo, please send the information to the church office (

Deadline: Sunday, February 26.

Installation Service, November 20

At a special service of the Presbytery of Susquehanna Valley held here at UPC on Sunday, November 20, Pastor Becky was officially installed as our called Associate Pastor for Spiritual Formation and Discipleship.

Pastor Becky has been a member of our staff since December 2012, serving first as a Christian Educator and then as a temporary Stated Supply Pastor, but her official installation as our Associate Pastor solidifies her ministry with us in a more permanent position.

Making Disciples

In December, David Berti’s grandson Joseph was baptized here at UPC.

In January, we welcomed our newest member, Kathy Preston, to our church family.