Introducing YOLA, the virtual reference chatbot of UPTC Library  4/20/2021

Virtual reference service is one of the most known library service in most libraries especially in this time of Covid-19 pandemic. It allows our client to communicate with the library thru the online platform via e-mail, chat, or instant messaging. 

For UP Tacloban College Library, our chatbot is named "YOLA", which is an acronym for Your Online Librarian At-your-service. It also sounds like OLAH, which means Hello, as a greeting in Spanish, inviting all our library users to interact with the college library in all their information needs. And, it is a shortcut for "Yolanda", the local name of the super typhoon which struck the Eastern Visayas.

For all your library and information needs, please do not hesitate to chat YOLA! She would be very glad to help you!