Library Services

Book Borrowing/Renewal

Borrowing of print books may be transacted in-person or online. If in-person, you may visit the library from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Guide on how to borrow and renew a book online:

The graduate students and faculty members are entitled to borrow 2 reserve books (overnight) and 10 circulation books (one week). 

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Borrowing Privileges

Document Delivery Service

This service allows you to submit a request to retrieve an online journal article or book chapter to support your research and academic needs.

Submit your request by filling out the Online Document Delivery Request Form.

Scan and Deliver Service

This is a free electronic document delivery service for the University of the Philippines Manila community. In line with the hybrid setup, this service is offered to help you access the library's print collection without having to visit the library physically.

Fill out the Scan and Deliver Request Form to request for a scanned copy of print journal article/s, book chapter/s, or unpublished materials like theses and dissertations.

Terms of Service

Library Orientation

The University Library conducts a general library orientation for all UPM incoming first-year students every start of the academic year. At NTTCHP, the library orientation is conducted as part of NTTCHP's Student Welcome and Orientation beginning each semester as part of the library's user education service.

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Library Orientation on-demand

A value-adding service for NTTCHP faculty, students, and researchers, a request for orientation on the use of library and its resources could be done online either one-on-one or for a group of 5 or more participants. 

To avail of this service, send us a request at UPHPEd Library Facebook page or email us at using your UP Mail account.

Zoom, Google Chat, or Facebook Messenger may be used to conduct this service.

Clearance Signing

For NTTCHP students and employees

Patrons are required to settle their library accountability before submitting their clearance for signature. Patrons may send in their inquiries at

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