About the 2024 IAC Philippines

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 17th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress and 13th International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Significance. It is a gathering of international experts whose main goal is to share and update ideas, new knowledge and technologies on different fields and issues focusing on aunchenorrhynchous insects. 

It is organized by the International Auchenorrhyncha Society and the congregation has been held every three years since the beginning in 1973. Past IAC conferences were held in Vietnam, Brazil, China, France, Germany, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, and the Netherlands.

The conference will be held on 01-05 April 2024 at SEAMEO SEARCA inside the UPLB campus, in Laguna, Philippines. It will be organized by the Institute of Weed Science, Entomology and Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture and Food Science, University of the Philippines Los Baños. in partnership with the National Crop Protection Center and the UPLB Museum of Natural History.

The program of the congress will discuss six (6) subject matter: (1) Taxonomy & Systematics, (2) Fossils & Biogeography, (3) Biology, Ethology & Ecology, (4) Biodiversity Conservation, Management & Governance, (5) Pest Management, and (6) Species Assessments, Inventories & Databases. 

Participants of the conference will visit Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve to experience a glimpse of the unique auchenorrhyncha fauna of the country. This will be the second IAC held in Southeast Asia, where the Auchenorrhyncha are extremely diverse and encompass several species of economic significance.