The Fat But Fit Paradox

By Neil Cruz, Jessica Nemchek, Blaine Matthews, Nicolas Gonzalez, Stefany Funes, and Thomas Zhou

What is it?

In today's society we often associate health and fitness with being thin or having a large amounts of muscle mass, but that may not always be the case. Simply put, the Fat Fit paradox is exactly what it sounds like. Also known as the "Obesity Paradox", it is a condition in which an individual is considered clinically overweight or obese but at the same time considered physiologically fit/healthy.

Can this be true?

Yes! The Fat but Fit paradox is very relevant as our medical community continues to rely on BMI to predict obesity-related risks.

However, BMI only takes into account height and weight, leaving out actual body fat mass, lean mass or waist circumference.

If a person has an overweight or obese BMI reading, then they could be considered fat but fit depending on the ratio of body fat to lean muscle.

Take a Journey

Some of you may still be unsure of what the fat but fit paradox is and how it might affect you.

Check out our podcast that gives a full explanation of it and how it applied to their journey in learning to embrace being fat but fit!