Self   Evaluation   Report  

.Process of Preparing the SER in the Faculty of Arts


The process of writing an SER is a major attempt in the faculty. It should never be the work of a single person. The collaboration with academic staff, administrative staff, non-academic staff, stakeholders and students are the active members to play a major role to develop the quality study programmes. At this point, the faculty organised several meetings and discussions at various levels to accelerate this task successfully. The Dean of the faculty, staff members, steering committee and working groups were involved in this matter actively and worked hard.  


Appointment of SER writing team with the ToR 

Ø    TOR for Cluster Writers

The self-evaluation report (SER) for a Programme Review is a document prepared by the faculty for each study programme. The SER should describe the degree of internalization of the best practices and the achievements. The appointed SER writers were given the terms of references to maintain equal standards, claims substantiated with relevant evidence of the reports.

·                    Prepare a work plan for the writing of SER

·                    Define the faculty level common standards 

·                    Identify the common standards for each criterion and prepare common claims for it 

·                    Share the common standards identified and their claims among the programme writers and cluster writers

·                    Ensure availability of evidence for common claims and share them with others

·                    Ensure claims are evidentially supported with the code number of documents

·                    Follow the principles, methodology and guidelines for SER provided in Manual for Programme Review

·                    Receive all the facilities and resources for SER from the Office of the Dean through the Coordinator 

·                    Inform the progress of all stages of the writing of SER to the Coordinator

·                    Present the summary of the SER in front of different stakeholders of the university 

·                    Submit the final version of SER on or before 29th of June 2017

Writers for Program Review 

1.       General Degree        -                Mrs.K.Karunanithy


2.       Languages                 -                Rev.Dr.Paul Rohan


3.       Religion & Culture     -               Dr.T.Sanathanan

                                                                Mrs K. Navakulan

4.       Social Sciences  I    -                  Dr.(Ms). L Rajasooriyar

                                                                Mr Kapilan

5.       Social Sciences  II   -                  Dr.S. Jeevasuthan



Composition and responsibilities of working teams in charge of the chapters and criteria


A meeting was called on to form a steering committee and explain its responsibilities on 02.05.2017 at 11.00 am in the Dean’s office of the Faculty of Arts.

The chairman informed the names of those responsible for the eight criteria and other responsibilities of the steering committee. 


1. Mrs. N. Karunakaran              - Programme Management 

2. Mrs K. Karunanithy               - Human and Physical Resources

3. Dr T. Sanathanan                  - Programme Design and Development

4. Rev. Dr J.C.Paul Rohan          - Course/Module Design and Development

5. Dr S. Jeevasuthan                  - Teaching and Learning

6.  Mrs K. Navakulan                 - Learning Environment, Student Support

7. Dr S. Raguram                       - Student Assessment and Awards

8. Prof. (Mrs.) S.Ramesh &  - Innovative and Healthy Practices

Dr. S. Srikanthan                          

  The Chairman appointed working group members for each criterion:

          Programme Management 

          1.  Mrs. N. Karunakaran (Facilitator) 

          2.   Dr.(Mrs.)V.M.S. Yogaratnam

          3.   Mr K. Rathitharan

          4.    Mr S. Sivakanthan

          5.    Mr S. Kabilan

          6.    Miss G. Srikandavel

          Human and Physical Resources

          1.     Mrs K. Karunanithy (Facilitator)

          2.     Dr S. Vijayakumar

          3.     Dr.(Mrs.)S. Srimuraleetharan

          4.      Mrs A. Rajkumar

          5.      Miss Rathika

          6.      Miss T. Pakiyanathan

          Programme Design and Development

          1.       Dr T. Sanathanan (Facilitator)

          2.       Mr K. Arundaharan

          3.       Dr. M. Balakailasanathasarma

          4.       Mr S. Muhunthan 

          5.       Mrs S. Mary Winifreeda 

          6.       Mr S. Nirosan 

         Course/Module Design and Development

          1.        Rev. Dr. J.C. Paul Rohan (Facilitator)

          2.        Dr S. Santhirasegaram

          3.        Mr S.S. Uthayakumar

          4.        Mr R.S. Raveendran

          5.        Mr. S. Thiruchchenthuran

          6.        Miss C. Balachandran

          Teaching and Learning

           1.        Dr S. Jeevasuthan (Facilitator)

           2.        Mrs. S. Srisatkunarajah

           3.         Mr R. Rajeshkannan

           4.         Mrs S. Nandakumaran

           5.         Mr T. Vigneswaran

           6.         Mr Ramanarajah

         Learning Environment, Student Support and Progression

             1.        Mrs. K. Navakulan (Facilitator)

             2.         Dr. (Mrs.) V. Pavaneshan

             3.          Mr E. Cumaran

             4.          Mr P. Ahilan

             5.          Mrs S. Arulanantham

             6.          Miss B. Ponniah

        Student Assessment and Awards

             1.           Dr. S. Raguram (Facilitator)

             2.           Dr.(Mrs.) C.C.A.sivapalan

             3.           Mr S. Wimal

             4.           Dr. (Miss) S. Sivasubramaniyam

             5.           Miss M. Jeyakumar

             6.           Miss M. Sivakumar

         Innovative and Healthy Practices

             1.           Prof. (Mrs.) S. Ramesh

             2.           Prof. K. Visakaruban

             3.            Prof. K. Arunthavarajah         

             4.            Dr. S. Srikanthan (Facilitator)

             5.            Mr N. Sivakaran

             6.            Miss S. Mohan


 At the meeting, the Chairman requested the steering committee to divide discipline under the Programme Review into clusters for SER writing.

1.      General Degree

2.      Humanities                - Languages (Linguistics, Tamil, Sanskrit, English Literature and Translation Studies)

3.      Humanities                - Religion and Culture (Drama & Theatre Arts, Fine Arts, Hindu Civilization, Hindu Philosophy, Philosophy                                                                                                              and Christian Civilization)

4.      Social Sciences I - (Economics, Geography, Planning, History and Archaeology)                                                                  

5.      Social Sciences II -(Political Science, Media Studies, Sociology, Home Economics and Psychology)


Familiarization of the programme review manual and the methodology of the review process 

v   Discussion on PR manual and the process of programme review among the steering committee members held on 04.05.2017      at 3.00 pm in the office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts.  

v   Preparation for programme review held on 05.05.2017 at 9.30 am in the office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts.

v   Interactive session on Programme Review with Head and staff held on 15.05.2017 at 9.30 am in the Hall No.2 of the                        Department of Geography of the Faculty of Arts.

Activity schedule of the working teams and methods of collection of information 

 The Chairman informed the following scheduled dates ;

                                Schedule                                                       date


v  Meeting with all heads and                               -            05.05.2017      

v  steering committee members                                                          

v  To inform the Faculty Board members           -           09.05.2017

v  Meeting with 8 sub-committees                        -          12.05.2017 

v  Data collection                                                      -          15.05.2017 – 19.05.2017

v  Data Processing                                                    -          20.05.2017 – 26.05.2017

v  Submission of the report - 8 groups                 -          31.05.2017

v  SER writing for each cluster                                -          1.06.2017 – 15.06.2017

v  Finalizing the draft SER                                        -          20.06.2017

v  Presentation                                                          -          20.06.2017 – 29.06.2017

v  Submit the report to the VC & UGC                   -          30.06.2017


 Discussion on the collection of documents for evidence of programme review among the steering committee members held on 09.05.2017       at 11.00 am in the office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts.

 Collation of data and evidence and analysis and synthesis of the draft report by the working groups

 o    Discussion on Identifying common claims from eight criteria meeting held on 18.05.2017 at noon in the office of the Dean, Faculty of                 Arts.

o    The coordinator prepared a template with standards based on PR manual format and sent all the Departments on 19.05.2017.

o    The template format of eight criteria was discussed among the cluster writers on 22.05.2017.

o    Problems and issues raised by department writers during the writing process meeting held on 23.05.2017 in the office of the Dean,                    Faculty    of Arts.

o   The coordinator informed all the Heads of Departments to hand over their Subject Evaluation Reports along with                                                      recommendations and suggestions report sent by the QAA reviewers in 2006 - 2010 on or before 24.05.2017.

o    A special meeting was held on 30.05.2017 at 11.00 am regarding the first draft of the SER writing process.

o    Discussion on the extension of submission date held on 31.05.2017 at 10.00 am in the office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts.

o    Appointment of writers for 5 clusters held on 09.06.2017 at 3.00 pm in the office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts.


1.      General Degree Programme                

            Mrs. K. Navakulan (Writer)

           Prof. (Mrs.) S.Ramesh    

           Dr. S. Srikanthan

           Mr. S. Kabilan


2.      Languages

              Rev. Dr. J.C. Paul Rohan (Writer)

              Dr. (Mrs.) C.C.A.Sivapalan

              Dr. (Ms.) S. Sivasubramaniyam

              Dr. M. Balakailasanathasarma

              Dr. S.K. Kannathas


3.      Religion and Culture

              Dr. T. Sanathanan     (writer)

              Mrs. N. Karunakaran

              Mr. Ramanarajah

              Mr. Muhunthan

              Mr. N. Sivakaran


4.      Social Science I

           Dr. S. Raguram (Writer)

           Prof. P. Pushparatnam            

           Prof. S. Krishnarajah

           Dr L.D. Rajasooriyar

           Dr S. Vijayakumar

           Mrs K. Karunanithy



5.      Social Science II

            Dr S. Jeevasuthan (Writer)

           Dr. (Mrs.) J.R. Baheerathy

           Dr K.T. Ganeshalingam

           Mr R. Rajeshkannan

           Mrs A. Rajkumar

           Miss J. Menaka

           Miss T. Kiruthika

 Compilation of the SER by the Chairperson of the writing team 

 o    Discussion on issues found from each criterion from the first draft of the SER was held on 01.06.2017 and                                  02.06.2017at at 2.00 pm in the office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts.

o    Workshop on Criteria wise clarification, claims and evidence (University, Faculty and Dept.) was held on 06.06.2017 at               noon in the office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts.


Forum to discuss the draft report 

 Meeting with steering committee regarding the correction of draft SER on 09.06.2017. 

A meeting with the steering committee and cluster writers regarding the correction of draft SER was held on 09.06.2017. 

Meeting on identifying common claims, common evidence and common files with cluster writers was held on 13.06.2017 at        11 .00 am in the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Arts.

Discussion on the final draft completion procedure was held on 16.06.2017 at 9.00 am in the Dean’s Office, Faculty of  Arts. 


Finalizing the report and submission

o    Clusters final touch up was conducted in various places such as Dean’s office, seminar rooms, Geography seminar                    room and lecture halls from 15.06.2017 to 26.06.2017.

o    The information that the Faculty of Arts’ (Humanities and Social Sciences) PR is scheduled to be in September/October             2017, was conveyed in the Senate on 20.06.2017 and  Council on 24.06.2017.

o    The presentation on SER was held on 27.06.2017 and accommodated the suggestions and recommendation

o    A total of 15 hard copies and 5 soft copies are to be submitted to the QAAC by hand on 30.06.2017 in Colombo.