Frequently Asked Questions

1. What do you mean by CQA (Centre for Quality Assurance)?

· This Unit functions to enhance the quality education in all the study programs of the University.

· It was established in the year 2015 under the instruction of University Grants Commission.

· CQA executes the directions given by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council (QAAC).

2. What are the benefits to form this CQA?

· It monitors the whole process of University.

· It plays a lead role by networking all the CQAs of the different faculties and units.

· It creates awareness among staff (Academic and Academic support staff), students and the general public on the quality education system in Sri Lanka.

· It works very hard to implement all the study programs into Sri Lanka Qualifications Frame work (SLQF)

3. What is the process of CQA University of Jaffna?

· IQAU has monthly meetings in every Second Thursday of a month at 2.00 pm at the Board room of the University of Jaffna.

· Vice-Chancellor, Rector, all the Deans, Registrar, Bursar, Assistant Internal Audit, Directors of Centers, Director/IQAU and Coordinators of Internal Quality Assurance Cells from Faculties & Units are the members of this meeting.

· The meeting facilitates all the members to get together and to discuss issues raised on Quality Assurance and draw decisions to ensure the quality education in all the faculties/units of this University.

· The progress and the minutes of the IQAU monthly meetings will be reported to the respective Senate and Council. Further Quarterly Progress reports and the Annual reports will be submitted to Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council of University Grants Commission.

4. What do you mean by IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell)?

· It is an abbreviated name of Internal Quality Assurance Cell

· It contributes immensely to attain quality education at the faculty/unit.

5. How is the IQACs form at the University ofJaffna?

· All the Faculties and Units to coordinate with CQA and to accelerate the activities proposed by the Faculty Board, Senate and Council.

· These cells have Coordinators with necessary man power & infrastructure facilities and assist to disseminate the quality education within the faculty/unit.

6. What is the main role of IQAC at Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna?

· To ensure the quality of education provision,Faculty should adopt internal quality monitoring through

self- reflection of procedures within the Depts.(review, evaluate, assess, check and examine).

7. What is Subject Review (SR)?

· To evaluate the quality of the undergraduate student learning experience at a subject /departmental level. It is about management and assurance of quality at subject/departmental level.

8. What is Programme Review (PR)?

· To evaluate the effectiveness and Faculty’s or Institute’s processes for managing and assuring quality of study programmes, student learning experience and standards of awards within the programme of study. It is about management and assurance of quality at programme level.

9. What is Institutional Review (IR)?

· Institutional review analyses the effectiveness of an Institution’s processes for managing and assuring the quality of academic activities undertaken by the Institutions. It evaluates the extent to which internal quality assurance schemes can be relied upon to maintain the quality of provision of educational programmes overtime.

10 What is Self – Evaluation?

· A systematic, and progressive evaluation process by reflecting on their own practices in order to establish and ensure the highest standards of quality.

11 What is the process of SER?

· To prepare the self-evaluation report (SER) by the faculty aims at examining how the academic programme meets the standards.

· To make use of relevant statistics and management information in assuring quality and standards.

· To elicit reflection on course and programme strengths, weaknesses, currency and distinctive features, so as to both identify opportunities for development and make suggestions for change.

12 What is the progress of IQAC of Faculty of Arts?

· IQAC has monthly meeting in every first Friday of a month at the Room No. 211, 2nd floor, New Arts Block, Faculty of Arts.

· The decisions are taken by the committee and inform to the Dean to discuss in the faculty board monthly meetings.

13. How do you contact the IQAC Arts?

· website:

· e-mail :

14. Where is IQAClocated in the Faculty of Arts?

Room No. 211, 2nd floor

New Arts Block

Faculty of Arts

University of Jaffna