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These News and Updates were last updated on January 13th (Saturday), 2024 at 9:50 pm and by Ethan (Marketing Lead) 

Project Progress Video

Our project video showcases our progress and highlights our readiness to sell our lamps. We have made significant strides in the development and production of our products, and we are excited to share our journey with you. The video provides a professional and engaging overview of our project, including our objectives, achievements, and future plans. Join us on this exciting journey by watching our project video and subscribing to our newsletter for regular updates.

Winter Fest Recap

Winter Fest presented a remarkable occasion to promote our altruistic endeavors and illuminate remote rural areas in Vietnam. The event served as a platform for our service group to disseminate information about our initiatives and engage with the community. Additionally, it offered a valuable opportunity to raise awareness and garner support for our mission of bringing illumination to underserved communities. Overall, the festival provided a conducive environment for us to advocate for our cause and foster meaningful connections with the public.


Leaving Member

Sadly our beloved communications officer Soraya would be leaving, thanks for all her supports!


Reformed Structuring

Light Up The Night has broken down into 2 groups one for lamp production and the other for media.

Project Developement progress

The group has divided into two teams to enhance efficiency. One team is focused on developing eco-friendly and effective lamp-building techniques, while the other is dedicated to expanding the communication network, including the creation of a progress update newsletter. This strategic approach allows for specialized focus and expertise in each area, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the project. The team structuring the lamp-building process is committed to ensuring that the techniques are not only efficient but also environmentally sustainable, aligning with modern eco-friendly practices. Simultaneously, the team working on expanding the communication network is dedicated to keeping everyone informed and engaged through our comprehensive newsletter. This division of group members reflects a thoughtful and organized approach to project management, ensuring that each aspect of the initiative receives the attention and expertise it requires.

Yen Bai Trips Updates

Our group is currently in the process of structuring the plans for our upcoming trip to the Vietnamese province of Yen Bai. We are working closely with our partners, group leaders, and teachers to ensure that all aspects of the trip are carefully considered and planned. As we continue to discuss and refine our plans, we are committed to ensuring that the trip is both safe and educational for all members. Our group is excited about the opportunity to explore this beautiful region of Vietnam and to help bring brightness as to what we are committed to doing for this part of Vietnam. We are confident that our careful planning and collaboration will result in a successful and rewarding experience for everyone involved.

Partnership Progressions

Our team has been proactive in keeping our partners informed of our progress. We have maintained communication with Six-Sense, the organization that awarded us $2000, to update them on our progress and the use of the funds. Additionally, we have reached out to our partner, Nana, for information regarding our upcoming trip to Yen Bai province. This demonstrates our commitment to transparency and collaboration, ensuring that all partners involved are informed and engaged in the project.