
Adjunct researchers

Monica Mollo is researcher of Development and Educational Psychology. at the University of Salerno, Italy. She is PhD in Research and Methodology of Educational Research at the University of Salerno (Italia) and she's graduated in Education Sciences.  Her main research interests are devoted to the study of Argumentation in educational context and Construction of Logic/mathematical thinking in children. 

Nadia Pecoraro is psychologist-psychotherapist (systemic-relational approach), PhD in Methodology of Research in Education. She was lecturer in Community Psychology first and Developmental Psychology later at the University of Salerno –DISUFF from 2011 to 2018, psychologist and psychotherapist at the Counseling Center of the University M. Cesaro at the same university. From 2012 to 2014 he collaborated with the department of medicine and surgery (Second University of Naples-SUN) for clinical activity and research on the quality of life of adult patients or families with children suffering from congenital heart disease. 

From 2014 is Honorary Judge at the Juvenile Court of Salerno and teacher at Relational Psychotherapy Institute ( IPR-Naples). Her main research main interest are the family transitions (motherhood, foster family, adoptive family), the rule of family cultures in educational training, the risk and resource factors, as well as the discomfort of the students in the university studies. 

Oreste Fasano (PhD), clinical psychologist and relational systemic psychotherapist, carries out his professional activity at the Mental Health Operative Unit of the Local Health Authority ASL Salerno since 2006. He has been an honorary judge at the Juvenile Court of Salerno since 2014. He is engaged in research, training and counseling at the University of Salerno since 1999. At the same University, from 2006 to 2017, he was appointed, as a contract professor, of the teachings of "Developmental Psychology", "Developmental Psychopathology", "Techniques of observation of child behavior", "Educational Psychology", "Social Psychology", "Psychology of disabilities and integration ".

Nadia Dario is a teacher, a psychomotricist, an intercultural mediator. She has a Ph.D in Philosophy and Science of Education from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. She has worked with Lab Red “Laboratorio di Ricerca Educativa e Didattica” in Ca’ Foscari University and has written on “FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO. European Journal of Research on Education and Teaching”. Her previous research interests were time estimation (prospective memory), emotions and decision making, taking into account the implications in learning-teaching contexts.  She has also worked on didactics for competences and her training was centered on General Pedagogy and Psychology of Education and recently she has directed her focus also towards Cultural Psychology.  Presently, her research interests are generative processes for developing praxis and research on education. She is collaborating with Centres of Excellence, IBEF (Ideas for the Basic Education of the Future - International Network on Innovative Learning, Teaching Environments and Practices) and GRIS (Gruppo di Ricerca sulle Interazioni Sociali - Laboratorio di Psicologia “Giovanni Abignente”) with Professors Giuseppina Marsico and Luca Tateo, focusing on imaginative processes and in particular on mind-wandering".

Camila Pérez Huenteo 

Camila Pérez is an indigenous psychologist belonging to the Mapuche people. She conducted her MA fieldwork in ancestral lands (southern Chile), exploring the meanings and practices tied to the concept of intercultural health. Between 2017 and 2022, she completed a Ph.D. in Psychology (University of Concepción, Chile) and a Ph.D. in Sciences of Language, Society, Politics, and Education (University of Salerno, Italy), with research on the transmission of ethnic identity in Mapuche families from the perspective of cultural psychology. She also addressed the construction of indigeneity in diasporic scenarios, the academic trajectories of indigenous students, and the relational sense of consciousness within the Mapuche people. She teaches qualitative methods and anthropological and epistemological grounds of psychology to undergraduate students.

Vívian Volkmer Pontes is a psychologist, professor and researcher, with a doctorate in Developmental Psychology from the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Bahia (PPGPSI/UFBA, 2013). She has done post-doctoral training at the Institute of Psychology PhD in Developmental Psychology from the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Bahia (PPGPSI/UFBA, 2013). She did postdoctoral training at the Institute of Psychology, University of São Paulo (USP, 2014 to 2016), was a fellow of the National Postdoctoral Program (PNPD/CAPES, 2016 to 2021) and a collaborating professor of the Graduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Bahia (PPGPSI/UFBA, 2017 to 2021). She holds a master's degree in Developmental Psychology from the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Bahia (PPGPSI/UFBA, 2009), postgraduate degree in Psychoanalysis of Lacanian Orientation from the Psychoanalysis Institute of Bahia in partnership with the Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health (2006), and degree in Psychology from Ruy Barbosa College (2004). Currently, she is a collaborating professor at the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at the Federal University of Bahia (senior post-doctoral fellow/CNPq). Her studies are situated in the perspective of Cultural Psychology of semiotic matrix, and are carried out from a qualitative methodology. She is interested in human development in a cultural context, developmental transitions, and the experience of rupture and repair in the trajectory of life. She also coordinates research projects, university extension activities, supervises undergraduate students and co-supervises master's theses and doctoral dissertations in the area of Psychology of Human Development (research line: Developmental Transitions and Educational Processes, PPGPSI/UFBA). Since 2018, she participates as a member and one of the mentors of the research group Investigations in Cultural Psychology: Culture, Language, Transitions and Developmental Trajectories (CULTS/UFBA).

Mohammad H. Tehrani is a psychodynamic psychotherapist whose research interests include change processes, intentionality, semiotics, and culture. After completing the Clinical Psychology master's program at Tehran Psychiatric Institute in Iran, he has focused on bridging research and practice. Currently, he is undergoing psychotherapy training with the NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK. In his research, he is being supervised by Jaan Valsiner. Recently, his research on the decision-making process of childbearing has been published in the Journal of Constructivist Psychology.: A Dialogical Analysis of Decision-Making on Childbearing: A Penelopian Odyssey on the Boat of the Self in the River of Time: Journal of Constructivist Psychology: Vol 0, No 0 ( 

Claudio Russo is Principal Teaching Fellow in Developmental Psychology across the Department of Humanities, Philosophy and Education (DISUFF), University of Salerno.

 He has a background in clinical practice, health research, and communication. After completing his studies in clinical psychology, he was involved in developing alumni relations at the University of Cambridge, volunteered in the Darwin Centre for Young People (CPFT) and joined the Mind-Brain and Mindfulness Meditation Research Team at the Radboud University in Nijmegen.

His research interests include mental health promotion through changes in social, cognitive and emotional competencies. He specializes in the psychology of neurodevelopmental disorders, and has an interest in depressive disorders across the lifespan. He is working in collaborative partnerships to investigate which roles social interactions play on human health.

Visiting scholars

 Jaan Valsiner is a cultural psychologist with a consistently developmental axiomatic base that is brought to analyses of any psychological or social phenomena. He is the founding and current editor (1995) of the Sage journal, Culture & Psychology. He is currently Professor at the Centre of Cultural Psychology at Aalborg University, Denmark.  He has published and edited around  50 books, the most pertinent of which are The guided mind (Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Press, 1998),  Culture in minds and societies (New Delhi: Sage, 2007), Invitation to Cultural Psychology (London: Sage, 2014) and Ornamented lives (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2018). He has been awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Prize of 1995 in Germany, and the Hans-Kilian-Preis of 2017, for his interdisciplinary work on human development, the Senior Fulbright Lecturing Award in Brazil 1995-1997, and the APA Outstanding International Psychologist Award of 2020. He has been a visiting professor in Brazil, Japan, Australia, Estonia. Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. In November 2017 he was elected to be an International Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 

Virginia Machado Dazzani is associate professor at the Institute of Psychology of the Federal University of Bahia. Bachelor's in Psychology (Universidade Federal da Bahia, 1994), master's in Education (Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2000), PhD in Education (Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2004), both with CAPES scholarship. She carried out a research internship (CAPES) from 2002-2003 at Purdue University (Indiana, United States), a postdoctoral internship at Clark University, United States (CAPES / 2009-2010 and CNPq / 2015-2016,), under the supervision of Professor. Dr. Jaan Valsiner and Michael Bamberg, respectively. Held a Work Abroad Mission (PRINT / CAPES / UFBA) at GRIS (Research Group on Social Interaction /Psychology Lab.) at the Università degli Studi di Salerno (Italy), from July to August 2019. She is professor in the Programas de Pós-graduação em Psicologia e Educação, both from the Federal University of Bahia, and coordinator of the research group entitled Investigations in Cultural Psychology: Culture, Language, Transitions and Developmental Trajectories (CULTS / UFBA). She is a member of the Center for Studies on Development and Cultural Contexts / CNPq of which she is the leader and the K-Seminar Network (group of researchers from various nationalities, coordinated by Jaan Valsiner, based in Aalborg University, Denmark). She is a member of the School and Educational Psychology WG (ANPEPP) and currently a member of the Springer (New York) Scientific Committee on the Book Series on Cultural Psychology of Education. She has experience in the area of ​​School and Educational Psychology, acting on the following subjects: family-school-community relationship, psychosocial and educational dynamics in contexts of poverty, school complaints, knowledge and learning. Her research experience lies at the interface between Semiotic-Cultural Developmental Psychology and Education. She is interested in the study of development in cultural contexts. Develops research involving: (a) the analysis of narratives and developmental transitions, considering family and school as cultural contexts of development (practices related to family participation in school life, child rearing, etc.) and (b) analysis of school complaint demands and understanding of the phenomenon of school failure 

Sandra Carolina Buitrago Rivera is Bachelor of Arts in Education with emphasis in Spanish language at Industrial University of Santander, Master in Education at University of Santo Tomás (Colombia) and grant holder CAPES in a Ph.D. program in Education at Federal University of Bahia (Brazil). Currently, doing research on the quality of higher education education, with special interest on topics related to social representations, democracy, social and cultural psychology, and  subjects about teacher's performance in higher education. Contact:

Mônica Souza Neves-Pereira received a bachelor’s in Pedagogy from the University of Brasília—UnB—Brazil in (1982), master’s (1996), and doctorate in Psychology from University of Brasília— UnB—Brazil (2004). She has experience in Psychology, working with in the following subjects: creativity, human development, and education. She works as an Adjunct Professor at the Department of School and Development Psychology - PED - University of Brasilia - UnB – Brazil and at the Postgraduate Program in Human Development and Health PGPDE, Psychology Institute. She has been working at Aalborg University as a guest researcher since 2014 at the International Center for Cultural Psychology of Creativity (ICCPC). In 2017, Professor Neves-Pereira started a research exchange with Webster University in Geneva - Switzerland. She is currently part of the Webster Center for Creativity and Innovation - WCCE

Pilar Antonieta Valenzuela Ramírez is a psychologist, MA in Education (Universidad de Santiago de Chile) and Doctor in Developmental Sciences and Psychopathology (Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile). Her professional practice has been in the field of inclusion and diversity in education, as well as in curricular management and teaching-learning processes. In these areas, she worked as an undergraduate and postgraduate teacher. Her doctoral thesis in progress deals with processes of inclusion in higher education and is approached from a historical-cultural understanding of human development. 

Ana Luiza de França Sá is a pedagogue with a MA degree in education from University of Brasilia, Brazil. She is currently PhD student in psychology at Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, with research interests on human development, educational innovation, teacher training with the gaze of subjectivity from a cultural-historical approach and cultural psychology. She is also interested in history and epistemology of science, specially, psychology, and decolonial theory. Currently, she works as a teacher in teacher’s training courses at Federal Institute of Brasilia, Brazil.

Bianca Viana Monteiro da Silva graduated in Art Education with a degree in Music – with an honorable mention award for outstanding grades – at University of São Paulo (FFCLRP-USP, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, 2016); Master degree in Music at School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo (ECA-USP, São Paulo, Brazil, 2020); PhD student in Education at Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (FFCLRP-USP, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, in progress). Currently a key teacher and coordinator at the Project PianoForte, and art teacher at public schools in Ribeirão Preto-SP (Brazil). Has experience in areas of education and arts, with emphasis on music and the Historical-Cultural  perspective, acting mainly on the following themes: learning processes; human development; music; historical-cultural psychology; Group Piano; collective teaching of musical instruments.