Newsletter #18


Reminder: Update SDM with dismissal plans for February


The snowstorm seems to be heading in our direction. If the campus is closed due to weather conditions, we will follow our distance learning schedules from 9am to 2pm. We encourage everyone to anticipate this possibility and to access the information on our Distance Learning Portal.

At the time that we write this newsletter the CAMPUS IS OPEN as usual. However, we continue to monitor the weather conditions. Dr. Brenner will communicate in the event that the campus will close.

Dear parents,

In October 2020, Pediatrics®, the official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics published a study (1) with daily survey data collected before and after the COVID-19 crisis that investigated the hypothesis that the pandemic worsened parents’ and children’s psychological well-being. The conclusion was, as expected and consistent with their hypotheses, that the pandemic has an impact on parents and children. In their conclusion, they indicate that "as the crisis continues to unfold, pediatricians should screen for mental health, with particular attention to children whose families are especially vulnerable to economic and disease aspects of the crisis".

Other research (2), concluded in September 2020, found that "due to the long-lasting pandemic situation and onerous measures such as lockdown and stay-at-home orders, the COVID-19 pandemic brings negative impacts on higher education" and highlighted "the urgent need to develop interventions and preventive strategies to address the mental health of college students".

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) expressed concern for students, educators and parents due to the consequences of the COVID-19 situation: "The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges to students, educators, and parents. Children already coping with mental health conditions have been especially vulnerable to the changes, and now we are learning about the broad impacts on students as a result of schools being closed, physically distancing guidelines and isolation, and other unexpected changes to their lives."(3)

While we work together, teachers, parents, administration, to offer our students, your children, a space to learn, socialize, and be happy at school, the research reminds us that we should not underestimate the impact of the pandemic on the well-being of students, educators and parents. We don't. And while our teaches, counselors, and school psychologist are monitoring the well-being of our students, we know that in order to care for them to the best of our ability, it is essential that all of us adults are aware of our own well-being and how the pandemic directly or indirectly affects us and what we can and should do about it.

"As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others." - Maya Angelou

This is a long journey for our school community. As Maya Angelou eloquently reminds us, while using one hand to do all we can to help and support our students, we need to ensure that the other hand helps ourselves. This week we welcome Rachel Henes, an experienced facilitator, trainer, and social worker, who is the former director of Hallways, an innovative program that partnered with schools and parents to increase student health and well-being and prevent high-risk behaviors in affluent and independent school contexts.  

She will begin her work at UNIS by offering a two session workshop to our faculty and staff on "Regaining Equilibrium: Finding Our Way Through Collective Stress & Trauma".

The following week, she will begin a 6-Part weekly Parent Workshop Series from February 9 through March 30: "Mindful Parenting in an Upside-Down World".

You will find in this Newsletter further information and an online form to complete in order to register for this Workshop. We are pleased to offer it to all parents in a partnership between the Junior School Leadership and the UNIS Parents Association.

Overcoming the challenges we face because of this Pandemic, some common but others unique and personal, is necessary for our own well-being and that of our students, your children. The goal of these workshops is added support for all of us in that endeavor. It will take more, as we know, but we are hopeful that Rachel Henes will equip us with new tools and new perspectives on the road to our own personal well-being.

Pascal Vallet, Junior School Principal 

Alessandra Camilo, Junior School Assistant Principal

(1) COVID-19 and Parent-Child Psychological Well-being, Anna Gassman-Pines, Elizabeth Oltmans Ananat and John Fitz-Henley, Pediatrics October 2020(2) Effects of COVID-19 on College Students’ Mental Health in the United States: Interview Survey Study, Changwon Son; Sudeep Hegde; Alec Smith; Xiaomei Wang, Farzan Sasangohar, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, United States and Center for Outcomes Research, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX, United States(3) School During the Pandemic: Mental Health Impacts on Students, NAMI California.

See all the Junior School Photos 2020-21




See the hybrid calendar for the full year here


6-Part Parent Workshop Series  Tuesdays from 7:30 - 8:45 (details in this newsletter)




Mindful Parenting in an Upside-Down World

Are my kids going to be okay? Am I going to be okay? How can I help all of us to manage our stress and anxiety?

Now more than ever, parents need support to foster emotional health and resilience in their homes. During this 6-part workshop series, Rachel Henes helps parents to build their own social and emotional toolkit so they can skillfully navigate stressors and worries, become aware of biases and judgements, and deepen their most treasured relationships. Using research-based mindful parenting practices, parents learn new ways to lead with calm and compassion during this uncertain time.

Each session is 75 minutes, including time for Q&A. Parents are encouraged to attend the full series.

6-Part Parent Workshop Series 

7:30 - 8:45pm



Please join us for the school wide PA Meeting on Tuesday , February 2 at 7:00pm.

For your information, because we are launching a series of 6 workshops, we will not hold the February JS Parent Coffee. The next JS Parent Coffee will be held in March and will cover Students Led Conferences.


Dessin de Brune, JAU, Mother Tongue French Class, Mrs Chu

Following Mr. Vallet's visit to JAU for their "What We Do Affects Us All" unit, Brune illustrated what the class learned about their Principal, in French:


J4 Design Engineering classes have been working on a computer game design project using the Scratch block based programming language and the CSFirst curriculum.  They are also using the Makey Makey microcontroller to create a game controller using everyday objects that conduct electricity (like tin foil). The Makey Makey allows students to play their own computer game with a controller they design and make, not just the keyboard. While it’s just super fun and silly to be able to play your video game with a potato as a controller, it also connects coding to real life objects and an understanding of circuits, electricity, and conductivity.  


You are cordially invited to MusiConnect 2 concert organized by Cadenza Club on Wed, Feb 3rd at 4:15 pm

Cadenza strives to bring people joy through music, and following last year’s MusiConnect’s success, the club decided to organize another concert for everyone to enjoy.       

For more information, visit the MusiConnect 2 Website.

MS and TH collaborate to create artwork with the help of 125 students.  

M3, M4, T1 and T2 worked together to paint, draw, or digitally illustrate the text of "Still I Rise", by Maya Angelou. During this period some students worked in the UNIS Art rooms some were working remotely around the world in places like China, Russia and upstate New York. 

This artwork shows how we can use technology to collaborate and make art together. It shows how we can use our voices and art to inspire each other and lift each other up. This artwork is a symbol and the result of collaboration, one of the core mission statements of UNIS. If you look carefully it also includes translations into Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin and Dutch. This is a tribute to Maya herself who spoke French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic & Fanti.  At UNIS, our students love languages and we celebrate multi-lingual play. 

The audio is recorded by M4 via Zoom and was edited by T4 Karl Faginou, and the visuals were edited by Anisha Kurukulasuriya in T1 as part of their CAS projects. Please enjoy their evident Creativity, Action and Service to the community. Here is the link with M4 student Voices: Maya Angelou

Race and Privilege Parent Alliance (RAPPA) Meeting on Thursday, February 4, 2021

Let’s get together

We’re hosting a new event, and we’d love to see you there. Join us for Race and Privilege Parent Alliance (RAPPA) Thursday, February 4, 2021, February 4, 2021, at 6:00 PM.--


Register soon because space is limited.

  We hope you’re able to join us!  

How To Register: Before registering, please view these simple step by step instructions. After following the right steps, you must receive a confirmation email to the address you entered during registration.


Thursday, February 4, 2021, 6:00 PM

Race and Privilege Parent Alliance (RAPPA) Thursday, February 4, 2021



Semester 1 Report Cards for Junior School students were published last Friday, January 29 on the Veracross Parent Portal. We encourage you to review this report card with your child to celebrate his/her achievements during this past semester and engage in conversation on their potential growth.

The deadline for questions about any specific JS teacher’s grading will be Friday, February 5. Please contact the teacher directly by email no later than then.

Note that recently enrolled students who have attended UNIS for less than 8 weeks, will not receive a report card this semester.

If you do not yet have access to the Veracross portal and need instructions on how to do so, please contact to get information.


1. Arrival: To speed arrival for everyone, please have your child take possession of their backpack and lunch before they approach the entry gate in the morning and check to see that their mask is on, fits well, and is covering their nose.

2. Late Arrival: The late arrival of students in the morning delay our faculty and staff moving back to their positions. The JS gates should be closing no later than 8:40. Please ensure that you arrive at the time assigned for your child's grade.

3. Masks: Be sure you have packed spare masks in a clean bag in your child's backpack, as well as an extra bag to hold used ones. For the safety and peace of mind of all, do not send your child to school in a vented mask. We understand that many of you do use vented masks with filters inserted. But our teachers cannot be certain that every vented mask has the filter necessary to keep them safe. Please respect our community and do not send your child to school in a vented mask.

4. Remote Learning on Days with Appointments: We ask that you opt to have your child learn remotely on the days that they have appointments outside of school. Parents and caregivers will not be permitted inside the gate and late arrivals and early dismissals pull vital personnel from their assigned posts in order to escort your child. Just enter Remote Learning as an Exception in SDM to alert your teacher that your child will connect remotely instead of joining in person.

5. Switching from Remote to Hybrid: When requesting a switch from full time Remote Learning to Hybrid attending in-person classes, at least 48 hours (2 full school days) in advance, please email:

The last step is to update SDM with your dismissal plans for each day your child is on campus.

6. Returning to Campus After Illness:  Based on CDC guidance, students who are sent home or become ill may not return to UNIS until the following:

All students who are returning to campus after an illness, MUST FIRST SEE THE NURSE WHEN COMING BACK ON CAMPUS BEFORE STARTING CLASSES.

If your child is exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID please have them tested so we can alert potential contacts within UNIS. This helps us keep everyone safe. If you feel these symptoms are due to a cause other than COVID, please have your physician clearly document this in your return to school clearance letter. For health related questions please email: and

7. Social Distancing Outside of UNIS: Exercise caution and, whenever possible, to stay clear of gatherings where social distancing or face masks might not be the norm. We advise students and families to be particularly vigilant on playgrounds and during play dates, keeping in mind the impact they may have on the safety of everyone in our community.

8. COVID Testing: We recommend that students be tested at least ONCE a month, preferably every two weeks. All UNIS Faculty and Staff will be pool-tested every other week on campus.


If you have technology issues, please send an email to

If you have academic tech questions, please contact Ms. Zammarano at 

All other times: If you are having trouble logging in at any other time, please call 212-584-3100 for technology support. 


Our homeroom teachers follow the instructions entered by parents in School Dismissal Manager (SDM) each day. Please update your SDM account to regularly indicate what the plans are for your child each day of the week. SDM is always mandatory for Dismissal but can easily be used for Attendance as well. If your child will be learning remotely on a day that he/she is normally scheduled to be on campus, please use SDM and select "Remote Learning as an Exception". On days when your child will not engage in classes either remotely or in person, please use SDM to mark your child "Absent".

SDM is the only way of letting the dismissing teacher know where your child should go at dismissal. In addition to indicating that there is an After School Activity, you must enter a description of the activity in the box below. If the activity name is not entered in SDM your child may be placed in the Care Program instead.

No student will be placed on a bus at dismissal if their SDM account does not authorize their ridership on that date.  They will be placed in the Care Program instead.


Please take the time to review your family profile and contact information to ensure that your cell phone numbers, email addresses and home address are correct and are entered in the correct fields. You may update your information at any point throughout the year, but if you have not reviewed your information recently, we encourage you to do it today. 

All departments at UNIS rely on the information that you provide in the Veracross Parent Portal to contact you. The only way you can be reached in an emergency, or when there are school wide announcements, is through the information that you have entered in the Portal. After logging into the Portal at , you may review and update all of your family contact information by:

If you need support in order to make your updates, please email