Report Parent Coffee October 10

Introduction Parent Coffee October, 10

Thank you to all the parents who took the time to join us for this important event. Along with a few administrators, a group of around 40 parents came together to discuss and share insights on improving various aspects of the school. The discussions were centered around three critical angles that matter to parents. It's worth noting that the data derived from this session is qualitative in nature.

Report on Group 1 - Parents' Expectations at UNIS

Executive Summary: This report encapsulates the expectations and suggestions of parents from Group 1, highlighting the areas of setting expectations, academic rigor, and parental involvement at UNIS.

1. Setting Expectations:

2. Academic Expectations:

3. Parental Involvement:

Conclusion: The feedback from Group 1 accentuates the need for a harmonized blend of academic rigor, enhanced communication, and proactive parental involvement. Implementing these suggestions can fortify the educational experience at UNIS, making it more inclusive and aligned with contemporary expectations.

Report on Group 2 - Enhancing the Visibility of Students' Learning at UNIS

Executive Summary: Group 2's feedback primarily revolves around enhancing the transparency and comprehensibility of students' learning experiences at UNIS. The feedback covers various facets, from the SEESAW platform and teacher training to recommendations for specific activities and tools.

1. SEESAW as a Primary Communication Tool:

2. Monthly Newsletter:

3. Information Standardization and Communication:

4. Engaging Activities and Information Accessibility:

5. School Engagement Day:

Conclusion: The recommendations from Group 2 underscore the necessity of transparent, consistent, and multifaceted communication between UNIS and parents. By integrating these suggestions, UNIS can potentially elevate the quality and clarity of information flow, enriching the overall educational experience for students and their families.

Report on Group 3 - Strengthening Communication and Fostering Cultural Integration at UNIS

Executive Summary: Group 3's feedback primarily emphasizes enhancing communication between parents and teachers and deepening cultural integration within the UNIS community. The feedback consolidates suggestions from two transcripts, touching on diverse tools and strategies, ranging from the SEESAW platform and teacher newsletters to more extensive curriculum events and classroom sharing sessions.

1. SEESAW as a Core Communication Platform:

2. Teacher Newsletters:

3. Curriculum Communication and Engagement:

4. Cultural Integration and Classroom Engagement:

5. Streamlining Communication Channels:

6. Final Thoughts:

Conclusion: Group 3's consolidated suggestions underscore the need to streamline and enhance communication channels between UNIS and parents. By integrating these recommendations, UNIS can ensure a more informed, engaged, and culturally inclusive school community.

Conclusion Parent Coffee October, 10

Having collected initial qualitative insights, our subsequent step is to dive deeper by gathering more comprehensive data through a quantitative survey. This survey, crafted in collaboration with parents, will be aimed explicitly at the parent community.

Reflection on Goals: Upon receiving the survey results, we'll come together to reflect upon the goals highlighted by the larger parent community. This reflective process will ensure that we identify and understand the core issues, aspirations, and areas of enhancement that resonate most with parents.

Prioritization of Goals: Given that resources, both in terms of time and infrastructure, are finite, prioritization becomes crucial. By considering the frequency and urgency of feedback received, we will rank the goals in order of significance. This will ensure that the most pressing needs are addressed promptly, while also ensuring that every concern is eventually catered to.

Defining Actions and Timeline: With clear goals in sight, we will move on to define actionable steps to achieve them. Every action will be accompanied by a realistic timeline, ensuring that the school and the parent community remain on the same page regarding expected changes and their rollout.

Assessment of Actions: Every action is as good as its impact. Hence, once implemented, it's vital to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken. We'll employ both qualitative and quantitative methods to gauge the success of our actions, ensuring that they align with the original goals and intentions.

Final Thoughts: By following this methodical approach, we aim to usher in positive changes that resonate with the aspirations and concerns of the parent community. Together, we will work towards enhancing the overall educational experience at our school.