Fiscal code and Health Insurance

Fiscal Code

The Italian fiscal code, officially known in Italy as Codice fiscale, is the tax code in Italy, similar to a Social Security Number (SSN) in the United States or the National Insurance Number issued in the United Kingdom.

It is an alphanumeric code of 16 characters. The code is used to identify unambiguously individuals residing in Italy irrespective of residency status. Designed by and for the Italian tax office, it is now used for several other purposes, e.g. uniquely identifying individuals in the health system, or natural persons who act as parties in private contracts (also for renting an apartment or for buying a SIM card).

The code can be issued by the Italian Embassy in your country or by the Italian tax office, the Agenzia delle Entrate.

Agenzia delle Entrate is located in Via Ippolito Nievo, 36 (500 meters from the Trastevere train station).

You can reach it by catching tram number 8 or 3, or bus number 780.

Monday: 7.50-13.30

Tuesday: 7.50-15.30

Wednesday: 7.50-13.30

Thursday: 7.50-15.30

Friday: 7.50-13.30

You can download the app of AgenziaEntrate, and get an appointment. Try different places, because reservation is limited!

Google Play 



You can even book an appointment on the official website of Agenzia delle Entrate. Check our guide!

In order to speed up the procedure,  remember to bring with  you a copy of your passport, Visa (and the original ones) and this form duly filled in.


Health Insurance

EU citizens can take advantage of the Italian National Health Service.  Please remember to request an E106 (S1) Form in your country before leaving for Italy. 

NON-EU citizens:

Your private health insurance (where applicable) should cover your medical needs for the entire period you are in Italy. If your private insurance only covers medical care for a 3-month period, you can register with the Italian National Health Service (NHS) from the 91st day onward.

The Italian NHS will provide you with the same care as any Italian citizen. This includes:

Registration with the NHS requires payment of an annual tax of €700.

You can make the payment at any post office by using a payment slip addressed to “Amministrazione P.T. – contributo Servizio Sanitario Nazionale”, C/C number 370007.

You must also specify the reason for your payment: “Iscrizione volontaria al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale”.

To use the NHS, visit a Local Health Unit (ASL) in your area of residence (municipalità) with your NHS tax payment receipt and you will be able to select your general physician from a list of doctors in your area of residence.

Documents required for registering with the Italian NHS:

For emergencies: call 118, the medical emergency toll-free number or go to a hospital first aid center (pronto soccorso).

You will be assigned a colour code (white, yellow, green, red) based on how serious your condition is. Patients are treated based on these codes, not in order of arrival.

Please note: if you are assigned a white code, the wait may be very long. Remember to take your health care card (tessera sanitaria) and residence permit with you. 

For minor health problems (flu, cold, etc.) you should see your general practitioner. Visits to a GP are free, as long as you are registered with the NHS (see above). Always bring your residence permit and health care card with you.

For specialist visits (gynecologist, dentist, etc.) your general practitioner will provide you with a referral called “ticket”. You then need to book an appointment through the dedicated CUP Call Center (Tel. 069939). You will need to provide the operator with your personal details, including your fiscal code and other information specified on the ticket. Be sure to get a booking number from the operator before you hang up. Always bring your residence permit and health care card with you to the medical appointment.

What to do if the Health Insurance is required by the Embassy?

If the Embassy requests you to have an health insurance in order to issue the Visa, you can buy one in your country which must be valid worldwide or you can purchase one online such as Wai Italy.

Please note: ERASMUS+ ICM students are covered by the Erasmus insurance as long as they are inside the University. They will need to purchase an additional health insurance in any case.

IMPORTANT: Strictly follow the instructions given by the Embassy, in case they have specific requirements for health insurance coverage and such.