Regular sessions - Oral presentations

----- Monday, June 18, 2018 -----

I. Geodetic methods in Earth system science (N. Sneeuw)

Monday, June 18 - 10.30-12.30

· 10.30-10.45 - Klos A, Van Malderen R, Pottiaux E, Alshawaf F, Bock O, Bogusz J, Chimani B, Domonkos P, Elias M, Gruszczynska M, Guijarro J, Kazanci SZ, Ning T, Tornatore V: Homogenization of tropospheric data: evaluating the algorithms under the presence of autoregressive process

· 10.45-11.00 - Sneeuw N, Tourian MJ, Reager JT: Can GRACE observe the total drainable water storage a river basin? A first estimate over the Amazon basin

· 11.00-11.15 - Han SC, Ghobadi-Far K, Mayer-Gürr T, Behzadpour S, Sauber J, Pollitz F, Okal E: GRACE detection of transient gravitational potential changes due to Earth's free oscillations from the great earthquakes

· 11.15-11.30 - Karaaslan Ö, Kayikçi ET, Yalçinkaya M, Öztürk S: Comparison of site velocities derived from time series analysis of co-located VLBI/GPS stations and plate motion models

· 11.30-11.45 - Devoti R, Riguzzi F, Cinti F, Ventura G: Multi-annual rainfall cycles vs long term deformation in carbonate domains: insights from GPS network in Central Apennines

· 11.45-12.00 - Savastano G, Ravanelli M, Komjathy A, Verkhoglyadova O, Bar-Sever Y, Mannucci AJ, Wei Y, Mazzoni A, Crespi M: Real-time detection of tsunami ionospheric disturbances using the VARION algorithm with stand-alone GNSS receivers

· 12.00-12.15 - Vishwakarma BD, Devaraju B, Sneeuw N: What is the spatial resolution of GRACE satellite products for hydrology?

· 12.15-12.30 - Farolfi G, Bianchini S, Casagli N: Combination of GNSS and INSAR: derivation of fine-scale vertical surface motion maps of Northern Italy

II. Theory of multi-GNSS parameter estimation (A. Khodabandeh, M. Crespi)

Monday, June 18 - 14.00-16.00

· 14.00-14.30 - Khodabandeh A, Teunissen PJG: Distributed GNSS network processing with the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers – invited

· 14.30-14.45 - Borko A, Even-Tzur G: Using local constraints to enhance ambiguity resolution success rate of long GNSS baselines

· 14.45-15.00 - Zangeneh-Nejad F, Amiri-Simkooei A, Sharifi MA, Asgari J: Stochastic modeling of multi-GNSS observables: application to static relative positioning

· 15.00-15.15 - Sharifi MA, Zangeneh-Nejad F, Amiri-Simkooei A, Asgari J: Real-time cycle slip detection and repair of GNSS carrier phase observations for a single frequency single receiver

· 15.15-15.30 - Dermanis A: Models for the unified processing of low cost accelerometer and GNSS data

· 15.30-15.45 - Odolinski R, Teunissen PJG: An assessment of low-cost single-frequency multi-GNSS RTK receivers for low, medium and high ionospheric disturbance periods

· 15.45-16.00 - LaBrecque J, Crespi M: GGOS Focus Area on Geohazards Monitoring – The role of real-time GNSS data processing

III. Digital terrain modelling (R. Barzaghi)

Monday, June 18 - 16.15-17.30

· 16.15-16.45 - Jacobsen K: Nearly global digital elevation models – invited

· 16.45-17.00 - Varga M, Bašić T: Numerical investigation on the importance of digital elevation models in regional geoid modelling

· 17.00-17.15 - Ravanelli R, Amici L, Nascetti A, Di Rita M, Crespi M: Large scale assessment of free global DSMs through the Google Earth engine platform

· 17.15-17.30 - Harmening C, Neuner H: Using structural risk minimization to determine the optimal complexity of B-spline surfaces for point cloud modelling

----- Tuesday, June 19, 2018 -----

IV. Space weather and atmospheric modelling (K. Börger, M. Schmidt)

IV-A - Tuesday, June 19 - 9.00-10.30

· 9.00-9.15 - Ferrando I, Federici B, Sguerso D: PWV maps on wide and orographically complex area with existing infrastructures through G4M procedure

· 9.15-9.30 - Sguerso D, Federici B, Ferrando I: Analysis of the troposphere influence in respect of the GNSS positioning

· 9.30-9.45 - Kazanci SZ, Kayikçi ET, Kaplon J, Rohm W, Çelik SN, Beşel C: Comparison of 3D GNSS tomography results using slant wet delays from different strategies

· 9.45-10.00 - Nikolaidou T, Santos M: Assessing state-of-the-art tropospheric gradients model under severe weather phenomena in geodetic analysis

· 10.00-10.15 - Mascitelli A, Federico S, Mazzoni A, Avolio E, Realini E, Dietrich S, Crespi M: 3D-Var assimilation of GNSS single frequency receiver data in RAMS NWP model: impact studies over Italy

· 10.15-10.30 - Hoseini M, Alshawaf F, Dick G, Wickert J, Nahavandchi H: Analysis of GNSS atmospheric time series using subspace-based techniques for climate monitoring

IV-B - Tuesday, June 19 - 11.00-12.30

· 11.00-11.15 - Wilgan K, Geiger A: High-resolution troposphere models for alpine regions based on least-squares collocation representation

· 11.15-11.45 - Schmidt M, Erdogan E, Goss A, Dettmering D, Seitz F, Boerger K, Brandert S, Goerres B, Kersten WF: Ionospheric VTEC modelling from various observation techniques with different latencies by means of parallel filtering and B-splines – invited

· 11.45-12.00 - Krypiak-Gregorczyk A, Wielgosz P: Application of high-resolution regional ionosphere model for studying recent major geomagnetic storms over Europe

· 12.00-12.15 - Gopalakrishnan GL, Schmidt M: Expressing the thermosphere as an affine transformation of the ionosphere

· 12.15-12.30 - Börger K, Agena J, Erdogan E, Forootan E, Goss A, Hinrichs J, Löcher A, Mrotzek N, Schmidt M: On the impact of space weather

----- Wednesday, June 20, 2018 -----

V. Global gravity field modelling and heights systems (D. Tsoulis, S. Claessens)

V-A – Wednesday, June 20 - 9.00-10.30

· 9.00-9.15 - Bagherbandi M, Sjöberg LE, Amin H: Towards a world vertical datum defined by the geoid potential and Earth’s ellipsoidal parameters

· 9.15-9.30 - Reguzzoni M, Venuti G: Local versus global height datum adjustment

· 9.30-9.45 - Shen Z, Shen WB, Zhang S: World height unification using satellite frequency signal transmission approach

· 9.45-10.00 - Tenzer R, Foroughi I, Sjoberg LE, Bagherbandi M, Hirt C, Pitoňák M: Theoretical and practical aspects of defining the heights for planets and moons

· 10.00-10.15 - Bašić T, Varga M: A brief (historical) review on definitions and applications of the geoid

· 10.15-10.30 - Kingdon R, Vaníček P, Santos M: The shape of the quasigeoid

V-B – Wednesday, June 20 - 11.00-12.30

· 11.00-11.15 - Shen WB: Theoretical considerations on global gravimetric geoid determination

· 11.15-11.30 - Novák P, Šprlák M, Pitoňák M, Tenzer R: Classical solutions to boundary-value problems of the potential theory for current and future gravity field observables

· 11.30-11.45 - Holota P, Nesvadba O: Green’s function method extended by successive approximations and applied to Earth’s gravity field recovery

· 11.45-12.00 - Ghobadi-Far K, Han SC, Šprlák M: A pocket guide to physical geodesy: constructing a unified scheme for representation of geopotential functionals

· 12.00-12.15 - Chao BF, Yu Y: On Earth’s oblateness J2 variations and geophysical causes

· 12.15-12.30 - Sjöberg LE, Grafarend EW, Joud MS: Zero gravity curve and surface

VI. Theory of modern geodetic reference frames and Earth’s rotation (Z. Altamimi)

Wednesday, June 20 - 14.00-16.00

· 14.00-14.30 - Ivins ER, Adhikari S, Steinberger B, Caron L, Reager JT, Kjeldsen KK, Larour E, Marzeion B: Geophysical drivers for 20th century secular polar motion – invited

· 14.30-14.45 - Koenig R, Glaser S, Ciufolini I, Paolozzi A: Impacts of the LARES and the LARES-2 satellite missions on the terrestrial reference frame

· 14.45-15.00 - Sośnica K, Bury G, Zajdel R, Strugarek D, Kaźmierski K, Drożdżewski M, Hadas T: Combination of GNSS and SLR observations to Galileo, GLONASS, and Beidou for estimating global geodetic parameters

· 15.00-15.15 - Sansò F, Pertusini L, Tagliaferro G, Pacione R, Bianco G: Optimization of a permanent GNSS network in a kinematic environment

· 15.15-15.30 - Chatzinikos M, Kotsakis C: The impact of non-singular epoch NEQ on multi-year terrestrial reference frame solutions from GNSS data

· 15.30-15.45 - Kotsakis C, Chatzinikos M: On the datum choice problem in non-secular terrestrial reference frames

· 15.45-16.00 - Altamimi Z, Rebischung P, Collilieux X, Métivier L, Chanard K: Review of reference frame representations for a deformable Earth

----- Thursday, June 21, 2018 -----

VII. Deformation and gravity field modelling at regional scales (J. Huang, Y. Tanaka)

VII-A – Thursday, June 21 - 9.00-10.30

· 9.00-9.30 - Tenzer R, Zampa L, Eshagh M, Pitoňák M: Origin of Venusian surface deformations from gravity and topographic models - invited

· 9.30-9.45 - Pitoňák M, Eshagh M, Novák P, Šprlák M, Tenzer R: Recovery of surface gravity anomalies by spectral combination of first-, second- and third-order radial derivatives of the gravitational potential measured by satellite sensors

· 9.45-10.00 - Ghobadi-Far K, Han SC, Weller S, Bryant DL, Luthcke SB, Mayer-Gürr T, Behzadpour S: Improved estimation of line-of-sight (LOS) gravity difference from L1B GRACE range-acceleration data using correlation-admittance analysis

· 10.00-10.30 - Wu H, Douch K, Müller J: Gravity field modelling using future quantum gravimetric measurements: a simulation study – invited

VII-B – Thursday, June 21 - 11.00-12.30

· 11.00-11.15 - Klees R, Slobbe C: Least-squares local quasi-geoid modelling involving ill-conditioned noise covariance matrices

· 11.15-11.30 - Huang J, Véronneau M, Crowley JW: Band-limited combination of the GRAV-D airborne gravity data for geoid modelling

· 11.30-11.45 - Ince ES, Erol B, Isik MS, Erol S, Huang J: High-resolution geoid modelling in Turkey using Stokes-Helmert approach

· 11.45-12.00 - Barzaghi R, Carrion D, De Gaetani C: Geoid collocation estimate: the Colorado test

· 12.00-12.15 - Yildiz H: Combination of GOCE TRF gravity gradients and ground gravity by collocation for regional quasi-geoid determination

· 12.15-12.30 - Trojanowicz M: Local disturbing potential modelling using geophysical gravity data inversion. Case study in the area of Poland

VIII. Estimation theory and inverse problems in geodesy (A. Dermanis)

Thursday, June 21 - 14.00-16.00

· 14.00-14.30 - Teunissen PJG: On the marriage of estimation & testing – invited

· 14.30-14.45 - Schaffrin B, Snow KB: Controlling the bias within free geodetic networks

· 14.45-15.00 - Pitoňák M, Novák P, Šprlák M, Tenzer R: Combining solutions to the spherical gravitational curvature boundary value problem using the condition adjustment model

· 15.00-15.15 - Capponi M, Sampietro D, Sansò F: Bounded variation solutions of a regularized inverse gravimetric problem

· 15.15-15.30 - Cai J, Dong D, Sneeuw N, Yao Y: Converted total least squares method and Gauss-Helmert model with applications in coordinate transformations

· 15.30-15.45 - Neyers C, Brockmann JM, Schuh WD: Finite elements in least squares adjustment – A brief showcase of the maths

· 15.45-16.00 - Zaminpardaz S, Teunissen PJG: How abnormal are the PDFs of the DIA method: A quality description in the context of GNSS

----- Friday, June 19, 2018 -----

IX. Advanced numerical methods in geodesy (R. Čunderlík)

IX-A – Friday, June 22 - 9.00-10.30

· 9.00-9.30 - Fukushima T: New numerical approach to compute gravitational field of general object accurately – invited

· 9.30-9.45 - Schuh WD, Franken J, Brockmann JM, Esch C, Köhler J, Gutjahr KH: Design of frequency selective filters for non-equispaced data

· 9.45-10.00 - Jekeli C, Habana N: On the numerical implementation of a perturbation method for satellite gravity mapping

· 10.00-10.15 - Medľa M, Mikula K, Čunderlík R, Macák M: Numerical methods for solving oblique derivative BVPs on non-uniform grids above the Earth topography

· 10.15-10.30 - Patlakis K, Tsoulis D: Computation of very-high degree spherical harmonic series using various numerical and approximation methods

IX-B – Friday, June 22 - 11.00-12.30

· 11.00-11.15 - Tanaka Y, Klemann V, Martinec Z: A spectral finite-element approach to surface loading of a self-gravitating, laterally heterogeneous elastic sphere – preliminary result for the 2D case

· 11.15 - 11.30 - Yin Z, Nico Sneeuw N: Modelling the gravitational field by using CFD techniques

· 11.30-11.45 - Kollár M, Čunderlík R, Mikula K: Filtering methods based on nonlinear diffusion for data on closed surfaces

· 11.45 - 12.00 - Fukushima T: Fast computation of sine/cosine series coefficients of associated Legendre function of arbitrary high degree and order

· 12.00-12.15 - Amiri-Simkooei A: On the weighted total least squares formulated by standard least squares

· 12.15-12.30 - Dorndorf A, Kargoll B, Alkhatib H: Bayesian nonlinear regression model based on t-distributed errors

X. Multi-sensor and time series data analysis (W. Kosek, K. Sosnica)

Friday, June 22 - 14.00-15.45

· 14.00-14.15 - Alkhatib H, Omidalizarandi M, Kargoll B: A bootstrap approach to testing for time-variability of autoregressive random deviations in regression time series models

· 14.15-14.30 - Schubert T, Brockmann JM, Schuh WD: Identification of suspicious data for robust estimation of stochastic processes

· 14.30-14.45 - Loth I, Schuh WD, Kargoll B: The "Magic Square" of stochastic processes

· 14.45-15.00 - Kosek W, Kłos A, Bogusz J: Frequency dependent auto-covariance and autocorrelation functions applied to geodetic time series with different noise levels

· 15.00-15.15 - Karegar MA, Klos A, Kusche J, Springer A, Bogusz J: Quantifying noise spectrum in daily GPS height time series over the Europe: Insights from a high-resolution GRACE-assimilated hydrological model

· 15.15-15.30 - Roggero M, Tornatore V: The geodynamics of Ny Ålesund from ITRF2014 time series

· 15.30-15.45 - Korte JDF, Brokmann JM, Schuh WD: Least squares collocation with finite and recursive defined covariance functions using function values and derivatives