Istructions for Oral and Poster presentations


­ A conference notebook will be used for all presentations. Please, copy your presentation (PowerPoint or PDF) on USB stick and upload it in time before the session starts ­

­ The following software will be available: Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft PowerPoint

­ If you are using video in your presentation, please check whether it correctly runs before your session starts

­ The time slots for oral presentations are:

  • standard oral presentation: 13 min + 2 min for Q&A
  • invited oral presentation: 25 min + 5 min for Q&A


­ The recommended size for the poster is DIN A0 (portrait) 841 mm x 1189 mm

­ Clips/tape to hang your poster on will be distributed

­ Please, hang on your poster in time before the session starts (the order of the posters on the panels is not pre­allocated)

At least one Author of each poster should be available at the poster for interactive presentations during the poster session