Francesco Bellini Home page


Entrepreneurship, Technologies and Sustainability  - Academic year 2023-2024

Lessons will start on 26 February 2024 and will have the following schedule:

Check the dedicated page for further information.

Teaching material and updates will be available oGoogle Classroom channel

Digital Transformation and Data Management - Academic year 2023-2024

The course will start on 18th September 2023 with the following timetable.

From 10th October, Tuesday (16-18) and Wednesday (12-14) classes will be held in Room 11 (Faculty of Economics ). 

Ricevimento studenti - Office hours

Fino 16 settembre 2024 in presenza o online su appuntamento.

Until 16th September 2024 in presence or online by appointment.

Location: Department of Management – Sapienza University of Rome

Room 8 2nd floor, building RM 020 (ex Merceologia) Via del Castro Laurenziano 9

Digital Transformation and Data Management - Informazioni relative agli esami (LEGGERE ATTENTAMENTE!) - Information about the exams (READ CAREFULLY!)

In order to sustain the exam, students have to:

Please mind that:

For the complete information refer carefully to the information reported in the course web page.

Exams will be held always  in-presence. Please refer to the information on the Faculty website for details regarding allowed exceptions.

At the end of the registration process on Infostud, the exam schedule will be published for each exam call, even on more than one day, according to the number of enrolled students. 

Tesi - Thesis

Gli studenti possono richiedere la tesi compilando l'apposito modulo. La richiesta consiste in una proposta di ricerca che verrà successivamente discussa con il relatore durante l'orario di ricevimento. La compilazione della richiesta non comporta l'accettazione automatica del tesista nè dell'argomento. Lo studente dovrà concordare la pianificazione delle attività con il relatore in coerenza con le scadenze previste dal calendario accademico.

 Students can request their thesis by filling in the form

The request consists of a research proposal, which will then be discussed with the thesis advisor during reception hours. Completion of the request does not imply automatic acceptance of the thesis or the topic. The student must agree on the planning of activities with the supervisor in accordance with the deadlines in the academic calendar.

Recommendation letters

Le lettere di raccomandazione a supporto della domanda di iscrizione in master o dottorati verranno rilasciate esclusivamente agli studenti che hanno completato l'elaborazione della tesi sotto la supervisione del professore.

Letters of recommendation in support of applications for master's or doctoral degrees will only be issued to students who have completed the thesis under the professor's supervision.