
I trained as an economist (Degree in Economics, MAs in Economics and Management of Technological Change, PhD in Commodity sciences - Innovation Management) and I am Digital Transformation assistant professor (qualified as Associate Professor) at the Department of Management of University of Rome La Sapienza. I am also visiting professor of Enterprise Transformations in the Digital Economy at the FABIZ - Academy of Business Studies of Bucharest and previously I was professor of Finance at the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.

My professional and academic career developed at the crossroad between technological innovation, entrepreneurship and finance. I was scientific adviser for several public and private organisations and research director at EUROKLEIS. I worked in more than 30 EU-funded projects, coordinating 4 of them (MIRACLES FP5-GRD1-2001-40047, MTM FP5-IST 1999-11100, MIETTA FP4-LE4-8343 and MAXICULTURE FP7-ICT 601070). I am author of 5 books and about 100 publications. I have an extensive experience in research management and coordination, business and financial modelling of innovation and impact assessment and cost-benefit analysis.

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