Entrepreneurship, Technologies and Sustainability

Course presentation (Academic year 2023-2024)

Course outline

This course introduces students and prospective entrepreneurs to the ingredients required to successfully create and finance a start-up company or non-profit. Throughout the course particular emphasis is placed on two critical aspects of global business practice:

1) the global nature of modern business practice and supply chains and how those affect global well-being;

2) the impact on sustainability of global supply chains throughout the lifetime of a product, including its initial conception and design, manufacturing, distribution, consumption and end of life process.

Students will learn how to build a balanced team, define their product or service, understand their target market and competition, identify and connect with their customers, build a business plan and create a company pitch to raise financing for their startup. Students will also learn the ingredients required for a successful financing campaign. Students will apply all of these concepts in a two months team project in which they will create a company.

The course is divided into two parts: Part one covers the “need to know” for setting up a startup business. Part two will allow students to meet the protagonists of successful startup stories as well as other players of the startup ecosystem (investors, business angels).

Course learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will know how to design and to raise a sustainable startup company or non-profit. Specifically, students will:

Course program


The evaluation is based on:

Registration at the exam via InfoStud is mandatory.


Prof. Francesco Bellini (Coordinator and main contact)

Prof. Nicola Cucari

Prof. Emanuela Fiata

Prof. Luca Fraccascia

Prof. Francesca Iandolo

Prof. Antonio La Sala

Prof. Annalisa Postiglione

Prof. Chiara Petrioli

Prof. Antonio Renzi


At the end of the lesson during the teaching semester or during the office hours.


Teaching material

Teaching material and updates will be available on  Google Classroom channel