Digital Trasformation and Data Management

Course presentation (Academic year 2023-2024)


New technologies such as Internet of Things, blockchain and artificial intelligence have boosted the digital transformation of organisations and enabled a radical change in the provision of services deeply changing the related business models. At the same time digital technologies generate massive amounts of data and, as business and IT experts know, managing the resulting information is a growing challenge. There's a need to build out IT systems and innovative ecosystems that use data and information to create more efficient processes. However, many organisations are falling behind the curve, or haven't taken significant steps to address information management requirements. 

The aim of this course is twofold:


Part 1 – Technologies

Part 2 – Tools

Part 3 – Digital Entrepreneurship 

Course learning outcomes

On completion of this course the students will: 


The evaluation is based on:

Registration at the exams via InfoStud is mandatory.


At the end of the lesson during the teaching semester or by appointment.

Teaching material
